I'm going into NINJA attack mode! FAR in early July, who's with me?

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  • #170360

    All of the work for my Master’s degree is complete – I walk at graduation on Saturday. I have 3 letters after my name, MTX. Next 3, CPA!!! While taking the Becker class at my university, I felt like I was rushing through the material just to get it done for the grade – I didn’t really buckle down & study it they way I need to in order to pass this danged exam. Starting tomorrow, I’m a CPA Exam NINJA! I have the NINJA notes, my Becker materials, and a brand-new 3″ 3-ring binder with college ruled and graph paper, and 4 new pens – 2 blue, 2 black.

    I plan to start with FAR, my beast. I will take it in the first week of July (assuming there’s an opening). That will give me almost 2 full months to study. Then I’ll tackle Audit for August, and BEC/REG – one in October, the other in November. Not sure about the order yet on those last 2. I am hoping & praying that I can pass this thing on the first try. I know that’s aiming high but hey, a girl can dream. lol…

    That’s my plan, who’s with me?

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!

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  • #353439

    I'm planning to take FAR in the first week of July too. I just started studying few days ago and already felt overwhelmed with the material, but don't take it as discouragement, I feel great after finishing a chapter that I have troubles with so I think we can do it!


    I'm with you both! FAR in mid-July. This section is very overwhelming, just so much material to cover. I've got a good start, but need to double my study hours if I'm going to cover everything and still leave a couple weeks for final reveiw and MCQs. Just found out I passed BEC, so that's given me some extra motivation. Good luck both of you!

    REG 11/28/11 - 88
    BEC 04/04/12 - 88
    FAR 07/23/12 - 90
    AUD 11/2012 - 92



    Let's DO this thing, people! HiYa!

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!


    *pew pew pew

    Gotta bring the big guns out for FAR.

    I'm planning on taking it the first week of July also. I still have finals left for my grad class; but once I'm finished in 2 weeks, I'm going to live and breathe FAR until test time.

    BEC 04/14/12 87
    FAR 08/28/12 88
    AUD 10/06/12 94
    REG 02/09/13 91


    I am planning to take FAR bw the 1-20th july too and then do BEC. I started studying but i dont think i know the materl enough to pass and i dont intend to fail another exam. I bought a nook book today and the FAR apps i only need jeff audio and then i am all set., I dont have a review course But i have my NINJA NOTES; my wiley book, wiley testbank, far apps. Working for that passing grade.

    AUD - 58, 62, 56, OCT 2015
    BEC - August 22,2015
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD




    I'm also taking FAR in mid July and just started studying this past Monday. I'm only two days in and feel like the more I try to study the more I feel like I'm going to fail. I've spent too much money on this exam already so this year has to be the year to get this going. I'm just stuck in a predicament of when I have real quality study time which is hardly at all due to young kids and why my brain can't just read something or work at a problem and remember it. I am going to have to spend this weekend writing out the material I do this week over and over just to get the slightest grasp on it. I don't know how I'm gonna make it. :-/

    REG 30 (4/1/2010)
    AUD 21 (10/1/2010)

    FAR 8/30/12
    AUD 10/01/12
    REG Late November
    BEC January/Feb?


    Jaz, how young are your kids? Could you put them in a daycare or preschool program at least part-time, or hire a teenager to come watch them for some part of the day? My 5 year old is in full time preschool this summer, *just* so I can study. She starts Kinder in August!

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!


    I am also with you! I will be graduating in June 2012 but I only have 6 more weeks to finish up grad school. Started studying for FAR last week but have not been sticking to my plan. I will also be using the Ninja framework because I feel that it has been helping me remember some material. I am using Roger's CPA Review. I also have a 15 year old and he just started walking so you can imagine. But I am determine to follow Jeff's ELL plan starting next week since I have also scheduled my exam for the beginning of July.


    I have a 7 year old who is in 2nd grade and a 4 year old who is in full time preschool and will start Kindergarten in the fall but the whole time they are at school I am at work so that time is obsolete. My older daughter takes piano lessons, girl scouts, gymnastics and softball, and younger daughter does gymnastics and T-Ball. So by the time we get home on a normal day its already 5-7pm and I still gotta make dinner. Since Monday I've been heading right upstairs after dinner to try to watch the videos and at least follow along with that process but every few minutes one of them are bothering me. My younger one is a free spirited little crazy person. She has no sense of calmness lol. So my plan is to go to bed at 12am every night and hope that I could at least get through my schedule of doing the video lectures and reading 15 pages of Ninja notes a day and try and fit in whatever additional note taking I can.

    REG 30 (4/1/2010)
    AUD 21 (10/1/2010)

    FAR 8/30/12
    AUD 10/01/12
    REG Late November
    BEC January/Feb?


    I've been slacking for the past few days due to the stress from job seeking but I'm gonna take a day off tomorrow to try catching up. Kudos to all of you who have family and kids. Hang in there and we will finish it!


    Jaz, yikes, working will sure put a damper in your studying hours! Sounds like your schedule is crazy busy outside of work too. Crock pot for meals, 1-2x per week? Might give you a little extra time. I hear you on the insanity of 4-year-olds too. My daughter doesn't know what “shhh!” means… lol. She's not that far removed from 4.

    Does your husband help with driving kids around to piano/girl scouts/gymnastics/t-ball? Maybe you could work out a schedule where he takes them sometimes, giving you more time at home to study when it's quiet? Just trying to help you brainstorm – lmk if I'm sticking my nose in too far. I know lots of people work full-time, have full family lives, and still manage to find time to study enough to pass this exam. I hail them. I seriously don't think I could handle all that. But, I understand that you gotta do what you gotta do. Hang in there, we're all with you!

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!


    I started F1 on sunday, finished the lectures and all of the homework yesterday (haven't touched the sims yet). started f2 today, getting through the (1 hour 40 minute) lecture and homework for revenue recognition tonight. assuming I stay on the track of 3 days per lecture/homework, I'll cover all the material by the beginning of June, leaving me about a month to review.

    I finished my last undergrad final today, walk this sunday, start a 2-month XBRL project with the firm that hired me on June 4 (which will leave me significantly less time to study, so having done the lectures and homework once through should help me)

    I get pangs of anxiety sometimes when realizing how much material there is to cover and not knowing whether I'll be able to retain all of it. :/ just gotta stay motivated.

    Good luck everyone!

    Using: Becker, Wiley Test Bank, NINJA Notes, NINJA Audio

    FAR - 90 (7/5)
    REG - 90 (8/31)
    BEC - 83 (10/13)
    AUD - 97 (11/24)


    If you've already watched the Lectures once you should be okay. I've been going through the F1 material the last couple of days and I'm getting way more out of it by reading & taking my own notes than I did just by highlighting & underlining w/ Gearty & Olinto.

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!


    I'll have watched the lectures and done the homework by the time I start working in June. I plan on taking the rest of the month until July to work on MCQ, review my notes, maybe rewrite (or just read?) the NINJA notes, and am contemplating buying the online Wiley test bank for extra MCQ.

    Using: Becker, Wiley Test Bank, NINJA Notes, NINJA Audio

    FAR - 90 (7/5)
    REG - 90 (8/31)
    BEC - 83 (10/13)
    AUD - 97 (11/24)


    Let's just say their father is a waste of a being. He's in an inpatient rehab cuz he can't get his life together. So while he is there and I am able to mostly rid him of my life, I am also determined to move my life in the next direction and start caring again about my future. I need to learn how to cook with a crockpot! I have one but it's still in the box 🙂 My dad and brother have been coming over to try and stay downstairs with the kids while I study and watch lectures in my room but that doesn't stop my younger daughter from sneaking upstairs just to tell me something.. anything! And then last night they are all arguing because no one knew which remote was for the DVD player so they were just watching the beginning part over and over till I went down there and hit play. Next week is my brothers last week of college so I'm gonna try and get them to help a little more so maybe I can go to the library at least twice a week to get some actual quality study time. So far I only made it through Accounting Theory (Module 9A with Yaeger), but at least that's more of an effort than I put in the last time I “tried”.

    REG 30 (4/1/2010)
    AUD 21 (10/1/2010)

    FAR 8/30/12
    AUD 10/01/12
    REG Late November
    BEC January/Feb?

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