Best CPA Exam Review Flashcards - Page 2

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    PLS HELP!!! Jeff or anybody else , pls do you guys know the best cpa review flashcards???? do i buy becker flashcards or CPA Excel or any others. All advice will be kindly appreciated………………….thanks in advance

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  • #240085

    I personally think that you should take notes – you will absorb the info better.

    You stated that you were going to purchase some flashcards and that you weren't going to take notes – so your mind was made up. I don't have an opinion on those company's products, unfortunately.


    thks jeff, but i do take notes as i watch phil, but question is for flashcards to carry and memorize as supplement to notes and others leaving no loopholes and covering stuff skipped on notes too


    Elsie – please only use one thread for this topic…if people have an opinion, they can share it here.

    In the end – it's your call as to what product you go with…a few people have chimed in on their experiences.


    Elsie – I've never heard of flashpoint flashcards. That doesn't mean they might not be good, they are just not mainstream or popular like Becker. I used flashcards a lot for BEC, but not as much for FAR. They are only really usefull if you have extra time in the day. I would focus more of my time on the MC ?'s and simulations. But if I had to recommend flashcards, I would again recommend Kaplan's. Another good thing about Kaplan is that you can purchase each sections flashcards seperately for $60 each. I think you can only purchase all four sections for Becker, but I could be wrong. Kaplan is also slightly cheaper for all four sections flashcards ($240 Kaplan vs. $295 Becker).

    BEC-77 (8/14); FAR-68, 84 (3/1); AUD-?? (5/29)


    tag thanks a lot……………….how many count was yr kaplan flashcards????? is it also 250 cards each like becker? besides they seem expensive

    are they 2010 updated?


    elsie – I'm not sure exactly how many there are, but there are a ton. I would definitely say more than Becker. The website doesn't specify how many there are, and I really don't know without going threw and counting each section. Just call the number on the webiste and I'm sure they will be able to tell you. The website says they are for 09-10, so they must have been updated. I bought my stuff in June and they were 08-09.

    BEC-77 (8/14); FAR-68, 84 (3/1); AUD-?? (5/29)

    75 CPA

    Flashcards from Becker were a waste of money for me. I never used them. I make my own notes.


    75 cpa thks for yr reply but have noticed that some people love it or hate. i conclude that it depends on yr study habit….. i g0t very very high grades in school memorizin all that is in there and research proves that its great tool for learning. i make notes but like the portability in case i'm in a lke a waiting room or lying down etc……………….

    75 CPA

    The only exam that requires 100% memorization is Audit. Understanding the concepts is more important for the other three exams.



    I too have never heard of flashpoint. I use Becker flashcards as they were the review company I decided to go with. However, I didn't purchase my flashcards with my package because i knew ebay had them cheaper. I love my cards because I can look at them during my hour long commute on public transportation.

    Good Luck to you

    IL - BECKER=============> DONE
    REG - 80; FAR - 65,79; AUD - 53,78; BEC - 71,68, 75 (used becker and yaeger for 3rd BEC)Ethics 95



    I have Becker flashcards but almost never use them. I just write down my own summary of the things I often make mistakes on or don't know quite well. At the end of the studying, I always have a good 3-4 pages of bullet points. I study those pages right before the exam. It has been working for me. Occasionally, I include the cards with nice summary charts in my “pre-exam-cramming-session-package” (lol), but those charts are in the books anyways.

    I find going through flashcards is a hassle. It adds a bulk of study time.

    I also did not have time to do any of the final exams for BEC in Becker, and surprisingly, it went OK. =) I now think as long as I study the practice MCs and chapter simulations well, I'm all set.

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