Becker Exam 1: 48
(5 days later)
CPA Exam, Reg: 78
I wanted to do the whole test bank of MCQ's a couple of times over before the real exam, alas I ran out of time and decided that life was too short to wait or delay it any longer (about 3 months of studying amidst a FT job). I don't think MCQs were a problem for me, but they are the best way for me to learn usually.
I thought REG would be my best as I am already an IRS Enrolled Agent and loved law class. I think I aced the law stuff, which by the blueprint is not all that much, but the tax stuff was really hard, both in the concepts as well as the way they asked the questions… a couple of the TBS's were questions that if you missed one part of the three items (which of these are reportable or deductable or whatever) then you miss the whole question. The conventional wisdom is that the EA is a lot more concentrated and more depth, whereas the CPA is wider and shallower? That kind of thinking would have killed me if I didn't have Becker at my side, dragging my lifeless body through concepts that I thought I could have easily left behind at the EA. My second MCQ was definitely harder than the first and the question difficulty went from uncomfortable to… wow. It took everything I had to get past this test. As I said elsewhere, I know I didn't beat the test, but I think I had just enough learning and real life experience to perhaps beat those who didn't pass. I don't say that to shame anyone, so much as to say, if you walk into this expecting your good looks or EA or good grades in school to breeze you through… you might have another thing coming.
Outlines! Outlines! Outlines! Study the chapter outlines and it will help you gain perspective on what is important and what is not. I'm not sure how to prep for the TBS's, they are just so random. Some are simple, others are hard. You just have to know the material and I don't think there is much that Becker or anyone can really do but expose you to the question types and give you exposure to the material in a different way.
Onward to AUD! -k