Jeany_1312 and CMRN89,
I just took FAR on Friday. I had similar mock exam scores to both of you. I got 79% on both mock exams, but if I weighted it 50/50 based on sims and MC, then I had a 77% and a 74% but I was curious how you two felt about the exam when you left? I know people say if you feel like you failed, then there's a good chance you passed. My problem is, I didn't feel like I failed when I took REG and passed it easily, and I don't think I bombed FAR because I felt like I had studied 90-95% of what I saw, but I got rushed for time about halfway through the 4th module but still had enough time to at least briefly review 5 of the 6 sims in those last two modules. The one I didn't review was a memo because those drive me crazy, and I knew 3 of the 5 modifications right away so I just wanted to make sure I finished all of the sims.
All in all, once I settled down on the MC, I thought they mostly consisted of stuff I studied and probably marked 10 in each module that I skipped the first time. As I've been sitting around the past couple days, I've identified a few I got wrong for sure, but the sims are what have been on my mind. I didn't have any sims related to non profit or governmental, and another person I know did so in my mind, I'm thinking I needed to crush those sims because they won't be weighted as much as governmental content. I've basically gone through all 8 sims multiple times in my head and identified areas or certain JE's that I might not have gotten completely correct. I'm also concerned about carry through errors and if they take those into consideration. Do either of you have any advice as to how I should actually be feeling? I just feel like outside expectations were high for me from my coworkers based on those mock scores, and I want to think it's ok for me to be cautiously optimistic, but that could lead to a big gut shot when scores come out.
Starting my studying for AUD today so that should help get my mind off of FAR until the 18th.
Thanks and great job crushing FAR!