Q1 2015 Score Release (NASBA States) - Page 79

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  • #189736

    Has anyone seen the Q1 2015 score release dates? I’ve search high and low but can’t seem to find them. Need to schedule my next exam!

    FAR: 89
    BEC: 88
    REG: 81
    AUD: 76

    CPAexcel, NINJA 10 point combo, & NINJA MCQ

    "Pain is temporary, it may last for a minute, or an hour, or a day, or even a year...but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit however, it will last forever."

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  • #659195

    NASBA should have just said they'd be released at 8 AM again, like last window, and then release them after midnight. Since they said they were going to release them earlier, I think a lot more people stayed up to get their score.

    CA licensed CPA

    AUD - 08/31/13 - 84
    BEC - 11/26/13 - 84
    FAR - 08/10/14 - 85
    REG - 11/30/14 - 72, 02/20/15 - 87

    What have I gotten myself into?


    I just called that number. I am shocked they even have any operators working because they suck so bad. The lady just gave me some vague answer about traffic and said that it should be clearing up in an hour or two if I wanted to wait up. I'm on EST so I can't stay up much later. Forcing myself to go to bed at 2 if nothing happens and pretend to sleep

    AUD- 99 (11/26/2014)
    BEC- 81 (1/12/2015)
    REG- 85 (2/28/2015)
    FAR- ?? (5/18/2015)


    Should I walk to nasba and get my score?


    last time the countdown said 1:00 it came in around 2

    FAR- 87
    REG- 81
    AUD- 88

    Who's Better Than Us? nobody


    Anyone else see:

    Please refresh, Score Releases are here!

    I spilled red wine on my shirt hitting F5..think the liability is on Nasba for this one.

    Just a simple man looking for 75s and a cold beer. Too much to ask?


    @spomsored – thanks for sharing. I may just go to sleep. I'll give another 30 min.

    REG - 68, 81
    FAR - June 2016
    AUD - 58, 63, 84
    BEC - 71, 79

    CPAexcel (Gold), Ninja Audio, and Ninja MCQ

    "Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful"


    As kids, my sisters and I would always get in an elevator, count to three, and jump to see if the cables were secure or if we would go plummeting to the bottom. Of course it never went crashing down. All I keep picturing in my mind is a bunch of CPA candidates in an elevator who just made it crash.

    FAR: 74, 83
    REG: 76
    BEC: 77
    AUD: 89


    I'll walk with you, Dabutler


    @The Hot Asset – getting ready to pour myself a splash of white wine.


    You should have a few splashes


    Lambam – my first release was when the site crashed and then they kept it down and I got my score around 11pm I think. The last release was BEC so I was in the bubble and a few days later but I think most scores posted around 1. I think the problem is the clock was accurate this time so maybe more people stayed up to check than usual. There were probably more candidates in this release with it being the end of the window as well. If you are waiting on BEC it could be a couple of days it depends if you are in the bubble. If you are waiting on a different score then I hope in an hour or so but I'm really not sure. I think we have to wait for people to give up.


    Just got my REG score – it's up guys

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed


    I GOT IN AND GOT AN 89 ON REG!!!!!


    AUD - 08/04/14 - 83
    FAR - 11/29/14 - 80
    REG - 02/26/15 - 89
    BEC - 05/30/15 - 86



    i was just able to put in my secton and dob and it crashed after lol


    Yeah I e seen the please refresh message twice. But nothing yet

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.

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