CPA Exam Score Release Q4 2017 - Page 24

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    @IrieMon Actually, I took AUD 5 times in total. 🙂 Just to set the record straight there. AUD was my nemesis for a long time. It was my first ever exam and clearly the lowest score I've had. I took it again right after the first failure, and then didn't take it again for awhile. So life got in the way right after my first pass of REG, and kind of threw a wrench into a lot of my plans. I made a last ditch effort last fall to pass the exams before losing REG, but when that didn't happen I took the first half of 2017 off. Then went back to it.

    So I took AUD first in July this year. And basically, all I did was hammer Ninja MCQ's. I was scoring higher than ever before and felt more confident on this section. Maybe my real world experience finally helped, but something just clicked and the planets all aligned and I finally passed it. I wish I could be more help, but really, I think Ninja did a great job preparing me. I don't study for SIMs (except for the practice AICPA exam), so I can't really help there. I feel like if you know the concepts well enough, you should be able to do the SIMs. Evidence is something that will eventually make sense, but IC just sucks no matter how many times you deal with it.

    Just keep pushing, you'll get there!!!

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    Congratulations to everyone who passed this Quarter!!!

    Unfortunately, I came short on FAR and ended up with a 67. I am in need of an advice from all of you who've failed and then passed this section. I've been using Gleim since I started and I feel it's been good to me as I was able to pass REG and BEC on the first try prior to Q3 2017. However, come Q3 2017 I took AUD and then FAR and ended up with 67 in both. I am starting to think that Gleim's review may not have what it takes for me to pass these exams.

    Is there anyone here that has used Gleim before Q3 and after Q3 and have the same experience? I am thinking about switching to Becker or Wiley. Did anyone here use and Gleim in the pas, switched to Becker/Wiley, and saw passing scores?

    Thank you


    CONGRATS SallyCPA! Came to check in on you! 🙂 Congrats to all the others that passed, especially the ones that are now officially done. HANG IN THERE to the ones that didn't… you WILL get there!!

    and they ask me why I drink...

    FAR- 61-next time I'll ask for lube instead of a calculator
    REG-75- Never been so happy to see such a low grade
    BEC- 8/11
    AUD- 9/2


    Took 3 in one window. I wanted 2/3. I want to be devastated, but I'm refocusing my energy to prepare to take it in early January.

    Audit: failed with a 74!!!
    Reg: Fail-68
    BEC: Pass


    Texas will show you a diagnostic both if you pass and fail.


    FAR round 2 and I got an 82! Up 10 points from last time, and I AM DONE!!!!! I never in my wildest dreams thought I would/could pass FAR. I cannot contain my excitement…I am just too happy!


    After finally giving up on the NASBA website at midnight, my wife woke me up at 3am to let me know I passed AUD, FAR, and BEC!!!! Apparently she had more anxiety about my grades than I did lol. Still have no clue how I passed FAR and BEC but I'll take it. Congrats to all you who received passing scores and to those who didn't, keep trucking. I received 3 failing grades in a row, followed by 3 passing. It's possible, do NOT get discouraged.


    Thank you @mtaylo24 and @mckan514w!! SO nice to hear back from you guys and I hope life is treating you well now.

    Congrats to everyone who passed and if you didn't then keep grinding!! This test is more of a mental game than anything and as long as you can keep the bigger goal in mind, you'll get there (please take this from me).


    @ortega90 – Awesome story man! I stayed up with my GF and we both kept refreshing the site until at around 2am it finally worked on her laptop and she kept hiding it from me until she finally told me I got a 92!

    That's seriously amazing that you wrote 3 and passed all 3 in one season. You're a beast. Just one more left and you have those letters for the rest of your life. Congrats brother!


    Anybody know how long it usually takes the user dashboard on cpacentral to update with the new scores? Mine still just says attendance with no score. I can start the process to get reimbursed for my study program by my employer as soon as the score goes up there.


    Shout out to all my peeps that passed this time around! Way to be persistent and not let these b***h a$$ exams get the best of you!


    Passed FAR with 81 and REG with 75! Guys keep on doing the hard work. If I can do it, you can do it.


    Hi All,
    If anyone requires my notes on FAR and AUD then i will be happy to share free of cost.

    I have passed FAR and AUD with 87 and 89 first attempt within 5 months working full time with family of two kids and i am sure my notes will definitely help you guys to pass and retain information.

    Just send me email on in case you need my notes.



    @VanDammage: I was wondering the same thing! My last section was in Q2: the score release was on 8/17 and I received the Score Notification Service email (not the same thing but I suppose they can't send that email out until the dashboard is updated) on 8/21, so maybe give it 1 week or 5 business days?

    I passed REG with a 78 🙂 Wasn't expecting it at all! I tried so hard studying for this section and left feeling resigned I'd have to take it again. On to the next one! Congrats to everyone!


    Took BEC and got an 81 using Roger and ninja. I got a 69 the first time using only roger.

    Passed – BEC 81
    REG 76

    Need to take FAR, AUD.

    Highly recommend 2 question banks to get you over the hump if you failed your first time with one provider. I sat on my butt and answered more MC than i ever want to again, however i will be doing it 2 more times.

    Best of luck to all

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