I was hoping to use eyeball trick to view my score for BEC but the eyeball (score form) for my REG score which I took this Q disappeared yesterday. Any thoughts?
I have never done this before but I have read that if you have taken two exams in the same testing window at different cut-off dates, you can use and press the eyeball of the first exam taken before 1 day of official score release to see whether you passed the second exam or not.
Someone please tell me I am not the only one who still checks about 25 times a day, regardless of the score release date posted… This is my last one and I really want to be done and have my life back!!!
Oh my goodness Daniel… it is tough to be so close, but so far. Hang in there and let me know how it goes! Positive vibes, we got this 🙂 Plus, you got a 72 – you for sure nailed it this time!
The last few days seem to drag on the longest and cause the most anxious feelings.
Dont want to open up the scores to see I have to start studying again. Going on a trip just a few hours after the release, hopefully its a trip of celebration…