@Cacpa91 that's what mine says for FAR too. I called CBA's examination unit this morning and it seems like they have no idea what the problem is. They kept answering my questions with vague answers, couldn't even give me an ETA on when they think the problem will be resolved. Apparently the issue is not just with the scores but with NTS's as well as evidenced by NASBA's latest tweet.
Someone on another forum called CBA this morning too and they were told that the problem is from NASBA's end and not CBA. I don't know who to believe anymore.
I was hoping they'd have the issue resolved by today but it seems like everyone is even more confused than they were on Friday.
Does anyone feel like playing the Minesweeper game every time when you click the refreshing button for the Status page? You don't know which time the score is going to pop out XP
If you log into the NASA 2.0 portal and go to the “score review and appeals” Tab does your most recent exam show up indicating you can submit for review? If it does show up does that mean you did not pass?
I still don’t understand why the CBA has to be the one to give us our scores if NASBA is the one ultimately doing that scoring. Middle men can only lose or distort information. The whole process needs to be reevaluated.
Been doing that all weekend @KJ! I actually dreamt I got a 98 on FAR last night, and then another one where I got a 68! This whole process has made me delirious.
Just spoke to NASBA concerning CA. Scores won't be posted for a few more days. They most likely won't be released until next Monday due to Thanksgiving holiday on thursday and friday office being closed.
@Snorlax I have multiple dreams about the score since two weeks ago, and sadly most of them are not a passing score. I am so frustrating with the delay and even my best friend has a dream last Saturday about the score is finally out…
The person I got a hold of said this is a common occurrence. They reassured me that they know about the issue and are aware of the score not posting. They intend to address it this week with hopes they can resolve it before the holidays because then it won't be posting for another 4 days until Monday.
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