[BEC] Exam Prep and Score Releases: April/May 2010 - Page 24

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  • #157356

    I am taking BEC May 29th. I will start studying once REG is over (tomorrow!). Hope this one isn’t too bad!

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  • #230024

    Ok good to know. I'm definitely going to try it! Good luck to you too!

    AUD 90 FAR 76 REG 87 BEC 74,86


    I didn't study at all during my first attempts. Studied 80 hours in four weeks for BEC this time. Hopefully I will have one knocked out. AUD -57, BEC – 58, FAR – 61, REG – 37


    That's the type of determination it takes. The less social life and fun the more likely you are to pass 🙂 I started off that way and was sooooooooo upset to get a 74 on my last exam when I thought I could finally see the light…… So BEC is a retake.

    AUD 90 FAR 76 REG 87 BEC 74,86


    i know i should know this by now but is there a wave 1 and 2 for BEC as well? in other words is there a chance that even if i took the exam in early april, can my score still be part of wave two?


    Does anyone know how, and if, I can check the score from a BlackBerry? I'm taking AUD on Monday, and I don't want to check my score until then. But the testing center is over an hour away from my house, and as soon as I walk out I want to be able to check my score. Any ideas???????

    REG 79 (Becker); BEC 63 (Becker) 70 (Yaeger); AUD 66 (Becker; 11/30 - Becker); FAR 11/24 (Yaeger/Wiley)


    @ BAPetapi09: I am pretty sure there is a wave 2 for BEC as well…it just depends on whether you took the exam before the 7th of May.

    REG 79 (Becker); BEC 63 (Becker) 70 (Yaeger); AUD 66 (Becker; 11/30 - Becker); FAR 11/24 (Yaeger/Wiley)


    thanks FL, i know with AUD they said u could still be in wave 2 bc of special simulations or whatnot… good luck!


    Has anyone tried the ohio loophole yet? Does it let you register? I tried and it didn't let me register but I'm not sure if it's uploaded yet

    AUD - 75, REG - 77, BEC - 79, FAR - 76

    After 1 and 1/2 years of studying, I'm a CPA

    Stiff Pain

    @TurdFerguson, that is the saddest first go around Ive heard of. Keep taking the tests without studying, its helping all of us pass! JKJK. Im sure with a little studying you will be on your way to a CPA.

    FAR-81 BEC-87 AUD-85 REG 5/24/10


    @FL_CPA2010 – i have a blackberry also and unfortunately they don't have java on them, you need that in order for it to interface with the nasba site correctly. I have the Storm 2 and there IS an upgrade out there that includes java, which i was really excited about, BUT if you have any BBM groups it screws with it and you won't be able to type in any of those groups (the keyboard doesn't pop up).

    you could always download the upgrade for your ride home and then downgrade again afterwards…lemme know what you decide to do…i can help with both processes, i've had to do it a few times, hahah

    AUD - 10/2/2009 - 80
    REG - 11/30/2009 - 82
    BEC - 2/22/2010 - 73 4/3/2010 - 83
    FAR - 5/28/2010 - 69 7/23/2010 - 86


    The Result Watch software e-mails you your score so you don't have to mess with anything software-wise.



    BEC: Done
    REG: Done
    AUD: Done
    FAR: Done

    I'M DONE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Just received results for KY (Non-NASBA state) – passed, good luck to all…..

    AUD 98 | FAR 90 | BEC 88 | REG 94 (5/27/10) AICPA Tea Party Member

    IL Davey

    IL Scores for BEC are up! I passed! Come on REG, don't let me down!!!




    Nothing here yet… I'm a NASBA state and it looks like the loophole doesn't work yet because the scores aren't uploaded. (This is my last exam, so it will either let me in to reregister or tell me I've passed all parts….. right now it says all sections are in process so I can't access the system.)

    I'm scared…….

    Good luck to everyone!!

    FAR-91 AUD-75 REG-88 BEC-72,72,5/1/10
    Buckling down and studying and praying this is the end!

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