[BEC] Exam Prep and Score Releases: April/May 2010 - Page 20

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  • #157356

    I am taking BEC May 29th. I will start studying once REG is over (tomorrow!). Hope this one isn’t too bad!

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  • #229964

    this section just literally sucks the life out of me. i feel that i may understand how to arrive at an answer for a particular question in the multiple choice once it is explained to me. come time for the exam though i have no idea what they are even asking or how to solve it! =/ i guess for this exam memorization gets you no where.

    wait…i actually have to learn concepts and apply them??!! what are they thinking!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    MPoni123 – NASBA said they do have “some scores” to me today on the phone. Either the lady didn't know what she's talking about, or NASBA waits until they have “x” amount of scores until they say release the AICPA has released the scores to them.


    ya i am not sure. i bet if you call again and get a different person you will get a different answer lol. we normally get an announcement that the AICPA released the scores to NASBA and then it takes 24 – 48 hours for NASBA to release them to us.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    I believe AICPA will “release BEC scores” to NASBA tomorrow and you guys will get them on Thursday and AUD will be released Friday (3rd Friday of the Month) and AUD will receive scores on Monday. I know AUD was released by the AICPA on the 3rd Friday of the Month in February (1st wave) and I had to wait until the following Monday.


    And yes, I agree, I would probably get a different answer.


    But don't you think AICPA would say on twitter that they released scored to NASBA if NASBA really stuck to the 24-48 hour rule. This would essentially give NASBA a “deadline.”


    even if NASBA had a deadline, i am sure a hurricane or tornado or some other natural disaster would strike right before scores were supposed to be released to us! and then their computers would blow up as well as their hot and cold sites.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    and this would happen in every NASBA state, not just MA! 🙂

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Hey BEC'ers… how important would you say that studying Business Structures/Corporations/Law and Economics is on the exam? I am taking BEC 5/24 and that's the last section I have left to review. I feel pretty confident in Finance, Ratios and Cost Accounting, just finished IT.

    IL Candidate: FAR - 76, BEC - 74, 76, REG - 8/30, AUD - October


    I took it twice and I'd say that Business Structure/Corp/Law and IT had tons of coverage, while Economics had very few if any questions. Cost Accounting and Finance is important too. The content outlines should state this too.


    The AICPA usually releases around 5:30 Eastern.

    More times than not over the last 14 months that I've been tracking this, it's been around 5:30pm Eastern-ish when a release happened.



    So I guess this means it's still possible that scores maybe released today……….I hope!

    AUD 90 FAR 76 REG 87 BEC 74,86


    This is my last part and I am dying to see my score so I can either close this chapter in my life and celebrate 🙂 or pick that book back up again, go back into my rabbit whole to study all over agaibn 🙁

    AUD 90 FAR 76 REG 87 BEC 74,86


    Sara, I'm in the same boat as you! I'm kind of scared… and yet dying to know……

    Good luck!

    FAR-91 AUD-75 REG-88 BEC-72,72,5/1/10
    Buckling down and studying and praying this is the end!


    Thanks Niki! Good luck to you too. I called NASBA today and they said that no scores were recieved. But that was around 10:00am. So i'm crossing my fingers…….

    AUD 90 FAR 76 REG 87 BEC 74,86

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