[BEC] Exam Prep and Score Releases: April/May 2010 - Page 19

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  • #157356

    I am taking BEC May 29th. I will start studying once REG is over (tomorrow!). Hope this one isn’t too bad!

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  • #229949

    i feel you on that one almost there

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    i think MN is a NASBA state (i looked at the drop down menu on the NASBA site). you can go to nasba.org and go to exams and choose your state. you can check to see if your score is up by entering in your date of birth and section ID number from your NTS.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Wow. If I wouldn't have asked here I might have been waiting forever! Thanks a million everybody!

    AUD-65, 83


    that's what we are here for! 🙂

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    MPoni123… I'm sittin in MN on May 24th.. just under a week!! I really hope this Becker chapter 3 and 5 sink in soon…

    FAR: 78 BEC: 79 REG: 86 AUD: 74, 83 DONE!!!


    ya i agree…i just finished chapter 4. chapters 3 and 5 are nightmares and i can't seem to understand them! the multiple choice take me sooo long to do and i end up getting frustrated. i also have a tendency to just memorize the answer so i can move on lol. are you having that problem?

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Is anyone waiting for scores for VT?

    Koliver – I studied chapter 3 and 5 the most and my exam didn't have too many calculations. I think it's the luck of the draw. My coworker took the same exam two days after me and had a lot of calculations. My advice is to just make sure you are familiar with chapter 4 (IT), they tend to have several questions on there and depending on your exam. GOOD LUCK!!! The format will change in January. It will be 85% multiple choice and 15% written.


    finished chapter 4. don't have the willpower to start chapter 5 yet…ugh.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    I don't want to be a pessimist but I'm really starting to doubt a NASBA release tomorrow if NASBA hasn't released an AICPA release yet today.


    no score for South Carolina so far. where would i look to find that out CouldntPassAgain?


    yea it's been exactly 5 weeks for me too and nothing and got audit thursday. This starting piss me off lol

    FAR 81, BEC 75, AUDIT 92 ,Reg 88


    Hey I went to NASBA.org and tried to get my score and its showing some error and I entered everything right but it does not show except error. I tried with other Section ID number the score I previously recieved. It is not showing that also. Why is it showing the errorrrrrrrrrrrrrr?


    I'm not sure where exactly to look. Usually NASBA posts on twitter if they have received any scores from AICPA. I haven't seen anything yet today. And historically they post on twitter from 12:00 to 1:30 pm.


    MPoni123… yes, I do find myself just memorizing the answers to questions so I can move on. When I get to that point though I realize i need to take a break. I'm going to be watching chapter 5 lecture tonight and focusing on studying and mc questions tomorrow. When are you taking your exam?

    Determinedtopass… thanks for the advice! Yeah, I'm hoping for not as many calculations but we will see! I feel like i know chapter 4 pretty well and will feel even better when I do my final review. And I'm definitely hoping to pass BEC before January…I don't want to deal with all of the new format changes.

    FAR: 78 BEC: 79 REG: 86 AUD: 74, 83 DONE!!!


    sooontobeacpa – when the scores have not been uploaded yet on the NASBA website you will receive that error message. since the AICPA hasn't released the scores yet, NASBA wouldn't have them.

    koliver – i am taking the exam may 28. i am on chapter 5 now, so i think i have a decent amount of time to prepare. not to mention this is my 2nd time taking it lol. i have the Yaeger CRAM as well that i want to utilize.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!

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