[BEC] Exam Prep and Score Releases: April/May 2010 - Page 17

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  • #157356

    I am taking BEC May 29th. I will start studying once REG is over (tomorrow!). Hope this one isn’t too bad!

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  • #229918

    Stacey, Chapter 3 is finance and Chapter 5 is Cost Accounting.


    chapter 3 is finance and chapter 5 is cost accounting (chapter 1 is business structure, chapter 2 is economics and chapter 4 is IT)

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Hey, MPoni! How are your BEC studies going? You will nail it this time!! I'm taking AUD on May 28th. What a great testing day! 🙂 Then I plan to relax/catch up on the house etc. over the long weekend before I start my FAR studies. Looks like we will be studying for FAR together?



    hi connie!! my BEC studies are going ok. i am at work right now and have some down time so i plan on getting through chapter 4 today. how is your AUD studying going?

    it does look like we will be studying for FAR together! even if i fail BEC again i am gonna move on to FAR. i need to look at new material! lol i think FAR will be more understandable compared to BEC. i just don't get chapters 3 or 5. and even the IT section is over my head somewhat. this section just all around sucks!!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Just try to UNDERSTAND the basics on the formulas in Ch. 3 & 5. Once you get the basics, you can usually work through for what the problem asks you for. You can do it!!

    I'm through all the AUD lectures (Becker), now I'm re-reading, taking notes and doing the MCQs. I'm behind where I would like to be because I also have the Final Review. I may just have to pick a few topics to view on it though. How much time do you think I should spend on the ratio stuff from Ch. 5?


    i don't think i spent much time at all on the ratios in chapter 5. i think for the most part if you have any, they will be in the simulations and i would think the ratios would be given to you for you to analyze? i took AUD in oct 2009 so i don't exactly remember. i would definitely look them over and whatever sticks, sticks. lol

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    I called NASBA about 30 minutes ago and the nice lady told me they have received scores and to check online. But she wouldn't tell me which section or how many (just “some scores”). In addition, she didn't say why it hasn't been posted on Twitter yet. Has anyone who took BEC even checked their scores on NASBA? I know I'm just checking on here to hear from you guys on whether you got your scores since I took FAR and is usually not the first exam to be released.


    thanks CouldntPassAgain! Finally we hear some news!!


    I just checked for my score (I am a NASBA state) and there is nothing yet. However if they just received the scores today then I wouldn't see mine until tomorrow night anyhow. Hopefully that means there will be a post on twitter shortly!

    FAR-91 AUD-75 REG-88 BEC-72,72,5/1/10
    Buckling down and studying and praying this is the end!


    No score for me.

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    Hey I am from Texas and I also just checked for my scores. They have not posted yet. I think Illinois state will recieve first and hopefully will get our results tomorrow. Good luck guys.


    Hey Niki2010. I am preparing for FAR. I am preparing for FAR right now. Can I get some tips. You have a very good score.


    Thanks CouldntPassAgain! BEC is my last exam and I just checked the loophole and it says “still processing”. I hope the scores are loaded soon.


    Hi soontobe….. when I studied for FAR I was using the Wiley materials (the book and review CD). I studied for about 6 weeks while working full time. I read through each chapter to get a good understanding (but didn't focus on memorizing anything) and then did all of the review questions for that chapter (which utilizing the info is where my brain stores the material better). I didn't move onto the next chapter until I was through all of the review questions for that section and I understood the material. Once I was through all sections in the book, I just spent a couple of days reviewing questions (it is a lot of material and while I didn't remember absolutely everything I had learned previously, it refreshed my memory enough just by reviewing over every chapter once or twice). Going through the questions is the most important part for me.

    Hope that helps a little! Good luck!!

    FAR-91 AUD-75 REG-88 BEC-72,72,5/1/10
    Buckling down and studying and praying this is the end!


    Hi Niki

    Did you ONLY use the wiley book and cd? Did you not watch any lectures?

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81

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