[BEC] Exam Prep and Score Releases: April/May 2010 - Page 15

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  • #157356

    I am taking BEC May 29th. I will start studying once REG is over (tomorrow!). Hope this one isn’t too bad!

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  • #229887
    The GaJone

    That is correct. We won't hear anything from them over the weekend.

    FAR: 81 (1/20) AUD: 88 (2/27) REG: 91 (4/19) BEC: 75 (5/20)


    It's Monday, has anyone heard anything??

    FAR - 95, BEC - 86, AUD - 97, REG - 99


    nope, nothing 🙁

    The GaJone

    Too early to tell for today.

    FAR: 81 (1/20) AUD: 88 (2/27) REG: 91 (4/19) BEC: 75 (5/20)


    Hey I am too waiting for my results. But need to ask some thing. I prepared really very well for the exam from becker but when I was giving the exam I felt there were so many questions which I did not even heard about. I mean I felt I was writting tottally different subject. Did anyone had same thing in exam. i am really very nervous about the results. I read some posts where people said samething as I said but some are saying they were preaty straight forward. Do you guys the questions were some kiind of trick questions which will not count or the test is really that difficult. Right now if anyone will ask me how I did? I really cant tell how I did because even Idont know.The exam was that bad for me. But if people can pass from becker. then I can say I prepared very well from becker. But again there lot of questions which were out of the world of BEC



    Any communications today with NASBA?

    AUD 98 | FAR 90 | BEC 88 | REG 94 (5/27/10) AICPA Tea Party Member


    Hi Soontobeacpa –

    I found the EXACT same thing – I took and passed FAR and REG, so I thought I knew how to study with Becker, but I found that a lot of the questions were random IT fact questions. I was so surprised I remembered most of them and looked them up in Becker, and they weren't there. I have NO idea how i did – it's not looking good though, in my opinion. I'm sure that this doesn't make you feel any better, but at least we can commiserate! 🙂 So – i'll just keep waiting…


    soon- I also felt the same, got a bunch of questions I've never seen before and not very optimistic about my score, but the best we can do is focus on the next test to study for and hope for the best…hang in there!

    FAR - 81
    REG - 74, 87
    AUD - 88
    BEC - 88


    “The only guarantee for failure is to stop trying”
    ― John C. Maxwell


    Lets hope for the best. Good luck to everyone…….


    Guys, in January I felt the same like you felt about the exam. Not too many but there were definitely some questions out of the blue that you cannot even find in Becker book. This was true especially for finance and IT. I think a lot of them might have been testing questions since I ended up passing with 80. Good luck to you all. Let me know how you scored.

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    Hi all,

    first time poster here, I noticed a lot of you use becker to study. I used Gliem and was extremely happy with it. Lots of questions, easy to read books and MUCH cheaper than Becker. Just thought I would through my two cents in

    Good luck to all of you! This is the one section I'm nervous about


    No score info yet…


    I've heard gleim has more/better IT to study than Becker. I didn't think Becker prepared me very well for IT because I scored weak in that area the first time. Bec seems like it should be easy, but it throws a lot of curve balls in there. Good luck to all waiting on scores and to those about to take it!


    i studied with becker. if you master ch3&5 – you will be fine.

    IT Q's are more or less logical… there were probably 1-2 Q's in each testlet which were not covered in becker – seams reasonable for me.

    my biggest concern is cost accounting, variances, etc – not IT


    funny that i spent most of my time on chapter 3 and 5, and my whole exam was basically chapter 3. i had 2 variance questions, some useless chapter 1 and 4 questions, and 2 or 3 questions on chapter 2.

    i dont know how i did on the exam, my result could go either way. i just pray i dont have to study for that test again.

    BEC: Done
    REG: Done
    AUD: Done
    FAR: Done

    I'M DONE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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