[BEC] Exam Prep and Score Releases: April/May 2010 - Page 100

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  • #157356

    I am taking BEC May 29th. I will start studying once REG is over (tomorrow!). Hope this one isn’t too bad!

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  • #231166

    I can't believe this. Took REG, AUD, FAR and passed them on the first try. Just FAILED BEC for the 3rd time (second time in a row with a 74).

    REG: 7/09-81
    AUD: 8/09-76
    FAR: 10/09-77



    I'm from Minnesota too and I haven't received my score yet either. There must just be something messed up with our state. I took mine in the second wave, May 31, though. I'm not sure why you wouldn't have received yours with the first wave.


    I really don't know what i'm doing wrong, BEC has been my last exam for the last 10 months….I failed with a 60, 74, 73 and now with a 71. My 18 months are up so I have to retake REG….I dont know what I'm doing wrong. Im studying with Yaeger/Becker and nothing seems to be helping me..HHEELLPP MMMEEEEEE someone


    I cannot seem to get out of the 50's(52 and 53 on BEC and 54 on Audit). I am officially giving up. I study and study and study but yet when I get to the test its as if I have never seen the material I need to answer the questions.

    Good luck to you all and maybe I will pick this up sometime in the future.


    Passed! 85! Just AUD left….

    FAR 89 REG 88
    BEC 85 AUD 82


    Josephm – congratulations! What do you use to study? Becker, CPAexcel, Yaegar?



    What %s are you getting on practice exams or on the chapters when you go through each section?


    At this point I sort of know the answers b4 i look at the question….I have done them so many times


    Passed!!..got 94..Last one left is REG..awaiting results..


    My heart goes to all of you who didn't passed on this testing window.. As someone who took the damn BEC test 6 times and tried almost every review available, what finally help me passed was a diffent approach to my study strategy.

    My advice is lots of m/c for the IT portion do as many as you can until your head hurts. For Financial & Cost Accounting memorize ALL the formulas. Practice, Practice, Practice.. My weakest area was Cost. I spent almost four days on Variances alone until I nailed them.

    I took a Leave of Absence from work and enrolled in the Atlanta Intensive Review Course in April – May, it lasted for about five weeks. I studied for almost 10 hours per day & spend 7 days for a final review the last week of May. Took BEC on 5/24 & AUD on 5/27. I was brutal and mentally and physically exhausting.

    I'm taking FAR next on 7/12 and is extremely overwhelming the amount of material.

    This exam taking process is a business like any other and therefore if they passed everyone they will pretty much run out of business. God knows I made my contribution both to the review courses and countless of NTS… So it was about time..!!!!!!


    I found out why I didn't receive my score for BEC. NASBA is waiting to receive the official transcript from my University showing I graduated. Oh well.


    I passed BEC! Yay! Only AUD and FAR to go!

    REG-77 BEC-76 AUD(8/31) FAR(11/30)


    CPABoston that sucks! i got a 71 so the loophole proved true. i just reapplied for a new NTS for BEC and FAR.

    Jeff – i can't seem to get on to the yaeger website. it is saying “webpage cannot be displayed.” do you know if something is wrong with their website? i would like to order the homestudy for BEC and get it ASAP! but i can't order it! 🙁 i will use the discount code, too (thanks)

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    yeah – their site is down temporarily…I think their web guy is trying to fix it.


    aah! ok thanks. hopefully it won't be down for too long.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!

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