CPA Exam Scores: AUD July August Wave 2 - Page 76

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    Justrynapass – if you don't have your scores by next Wednesday…e-mail me and I'll put you in contact with the right people.



    I don't understand Audit! In the Q2 testing window I completed the exam in 2 hours because I didn't know anything. At the end of the third testlet I clicked answers without reading the questions, blew through the sims, and gave 2 – 3 sentence responses on the communications. I was sure my score would be in the low 50s and was shocked that I failed with a 69.

    When I retook the exam in the Q3 testing window, I felt great about it. Not only did I know why an answer was correct for almost all the questions, I knew why the other answers were wrong. I was also very confident about my responses on the sims and communications. I thought that I my score would be in the high 80s/low 90s, but I was a little disappointed when I passed with a 77.

    Don't get me wrong…I'm happy I passed, but I don't understand how my expectations could be so different than my actual performance (in both cases). It's almost like I'm getting someone else's score. Oh well…3 down, 1 to go.


    WSSF, sounds like dumb luck on the first one. It happens sometimes. 🙂 Congrats on passing AUD. Still waiting here in Texas.


    I just wanted to pass on my experience with this test. I have taken aud 4x and finally passed a 61 65 74 and finally an 82. I can only recommend two things study 2-3 hrs a day for 6-8 weeks straight and the Yaeger home study the first 2 were with becker. What a difference great study materials make. One to go ive only been at this for 2 years now.



    I also question AICPAs grading system. One of my friend took 3 different parts this year and got all 3 exams 74. Doesn't sound possible.

    Still waiting for AUD score


    I'm expecting my score to be uploaded in the morning and am feeling nervous about it. I felt great after the exam, but find myself more unsure as time passes. Oh well, I'm hoping I will know in the AM. Good luck to everyone who is still waiting!


    I'm with you Eric, BUT I won't get my score until after 9pm. 🙁

    I WANT MY SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    It's very painful to be waiting when so many others know their fate already.


    wssf, i had the same exact experience, except i thought i nailed Q3 test and actually failed. there were about 5 MC i was unsure of and i thought i did well on the sims so i was beyond confused to find out i failed. i used becker and dont think i could have done anything different to increase my chances of passing. for those who have passed, did you use becker or other materials such as yaeger?


    Hmm… 72. Better luck next time.



    I'm sorry to hear about your score. You only missed it by 3. With just a little extra time in your weaker areas will push you over the top. Hang in there and you will definitely pass next time!

    Unfortunately, the TX Board site appears to be down right now. I cannot log in. I will try again in a little while.


    I just checked my score and passed w/78!!! Woohoo! Good luck to everyone still waiting and for those that didn't pass, keep your head up! This is more of a test of endurance, rather than anything else.


    I must wait till 9pm too. Another day with any consentration


    Unfortunately for me it was the multiple choice that I didn't do well in. I did above average on the Sim and average on the writing so I will try again in January when I have time to relearn. I had some family issues so I didn't have a full focus.



    I am sure you will pass the next time. You are so close

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