CPA Exam Scores: AUD July August Wave 2 - Page 2

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    I didn't think Audit was so easy but then it was my first exam. Actually, the first set of MCQs was reasonable and I felt reasonably confident about them, but the second set was killer, lots of details and unusual situations that seemed way more than an entry level auditor (or even one with a couple of years experience) would know…then the third set was moderately difficult again, so obviously I didn't do so well on the difficult testlet. The sims weren't too bad….there was a little bit of FAR stuff in there but not too much. Still waiting for my score….probably will get it on Monday based on Jeff's score release date prediction.


    "Loved debunking the CPA Exam, Jeff. "



    Jeff, should I expect AUD result by the end of Friday? I'm in MA.


    Hi Jeff,

    Will audit be delayed like BEC has? Also, is there a chance that the AICPA releases audit next?



    Well, in theory AUD could come out second instead of REG (which it does sometimes…they tend to alternate) and if it comes out today, then AUD will be on track for a NASBA release on Monday. In this instance, REG will be delayed according to the predictions.

    Again – they're just predictions according to past trends. Every once and awhile they throw a curve ball that wrecks everything (like releasing BEC on the 16th, which is late).


    JenBen, I also used Roger and the Wiley books–also CPAExcel. Since this was my first exam, I can't compare Roger to anything but CPAExcel. For AUD, I felt pretty confident going in, but my second testlet was a killer and I bombed it, so I have no idea how I did overall. There was a fair amount of overlap in questions between Wiley & CPAExcel, since they all draw from the database of old AICPA released questions. Right now I'm preparing for BEC, and I see that CPA goes into more detail on some things that Roger just skimmed over…but Roger sure makes things a lot more easy to understand. He's definitely a good presenter.

    Frankly, I'm *happy* for the continued wait for AUD scores. I really want to get through my first pass on the BEC study materials before then, since if I didn't pass, I'll get depressed and it will probably throw me off studying for BEC for a few days (scheduled to take BEC 10/3).


    I am patiently waiting for the AUD scores. This is my last exam before I lost a part at the end of November. This would be a nice wedding gift to myself!!!!!!!!


    Took all 4 parts in July. Passed FAR, REG, and BEC. Of course I was pushed into Wave 2 for AUD. I am sick of waiting!


    cbh719: Congrats!!!! That is excellent.


    cbh719: Exactly what are you using for study material and was this your first crack at all four? If so, wow.

    Jeff, is it true that we have to wait until at least 5pm EST for the AICPA to release anything?

    Also, thanks Jeff for the info – this site probably keeps you just as busy as preparing for the exam!


    Hey Everyone!!! I am so obsessed with checking my scores. I am in Washington, which is a non-NASBA state and we get our scores through Castle. Does anyone know how long it takes for Washington to release once AICPA releases???

    Since FAR was my first exam, I wasn't expecting the results until Sept, so when I got the notice in the mail I was shocked. For a week, my score was online and I didn't even know it.

    Anyways I am hoping to pass all four by Christmas!


    could someone call NASBA and have them start twittering again? I loved the transparency.


    So is AUD going to come out before REG????????? Ahhh I am so SICK of waiting!


    Jeff said in theory – yes. I'm waiting for both BEC and AUD and thinking: if I passed one and failed another: how is it gonna make me feel?..


    Jeff: you ask that same contact about AUD?

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