AUD Study Group Q1 2015 - Page 4

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  • #649832
    Ninja Juice

    Hello everyone i gained BEC but lost Aud:( so I will be joining you guys..I passed AUD with a great score last year however, can someone tell me how significant are the changes since June 2013


    Need help . I use CPA Excel ; wiley; Ninja notes; NInja MCQ. i thought i really did very well this time . ok. Please suggest what other course material can i use since i am used to answers of these MCQ's.

    Failed AUD second time . 74 first attempt 72 Second attempt

    BEC Passed
    FAR Passed
    AUD Passed
    REG Passed


    I just got my passing Audit score and thought I'd pop in here with some thoughts on my experience to, hopefully, help some of you out. I used Becker, exclusively, and it was all I really needed. It may have helped that my last class for my Master's degree was Attest Function form January to May so a lot was still fresh in my mind.

    You really want to know the types of Risk (Inherant, Control, Detection) inside and out and be prepared for examples of all of them.

    Know the components of issued reports (reports for a compilation, review and an audit) including those key words like “independent.”

    I got lucky and didn't have much of Sampling but my supervisor said hers had a ton of it. So it's, definitely, a topic to be comfortable with. The questions I did have were pretty high level and conceptual.

    Know the management assertions and how to test for them. Also, the terms “Vouche” and “Trace” will be used interchangibly on the exam. It's horribly annoying to learn that each one is testing a certain assertion and goes in a certain direction only to find on the exam they don't stick to that rule all the time…

    Pay VERY close attention to if the question is referring to an Issuer or a Non-Issuer. Many times that will completely determine which is the correct answer.

    Know the Opinions and why a certain Opinion will be issued over another one (Adverse vs. Disclaimer for example).

    Management Representation Letter. Know what is included in it, when it's due and what happens if it's not received.

    Subsequent Events. Another topic to know inside and out.

    The types of engagement and the responsibilities of each (compilation, review, audit, attest, examination).

    So when you look at my list, hopefully there aren't any surprises on it. And hopefully it will help out.


    Thank you so much for the insight!

    FAR - 67-85
    BEC - 75
    REG - 78



    I'm taking audit for the 4th time. the first 3 i used exclusively becker. this time i bought wiley and ninja mcq. the reason why i failed the 3rd time was because my sims were aweful and i went into the test not looking at one sim. very stupid. however even though i got used to the mcq's i was seeing, it really helped nail down the concept. I wound up doing stronger in 4 categories and 2 comparable in 2 and overall stronger in multiple choice. So buying the extra mcq's will help if ur already good at the sims, but if the sims are the problem then maybe just keep doing the mcq's u have should be fine.






    Good luck to all of you! Just got my REG score today – will be taking that in Q1 instead of AUD.

    FAR: 83
    REG: 69, 69, retake Q1 2015
    AUD: Q2 2015
    BEC: Q2 2015


    I am back in this forum. I just got a 73 on audit. Its definitely an increase from my last scores. I am planning on retaking audit 1/3/2015. For my retake I am going to rewrite the Ninja notes and then work through the Wiley testbank twice and then the Ninja MCQs till exam day. I also have Blitz and I am going to spend tomorrow watching those videos. I start a new job next Monday and will have a 45 minute commute so I will be listening to the Ninja audio every day to and from work.

    The Ninja MCQs helped me get my score from 7 to 66. This last time I focused on the Ninja MCQs after working through Wiley once. I did not get a chance to go through all questions and simulations but this time around I will make sure I work all of the questions Jeff has available at least twice. I also did not rewrite the Ninja notes except for 2 sections that I was struggling with. This time I will rewrite those notes till my hand is about to fall off. I am officially a Ninja convert and I am coming for Audit.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    Retake audit in jan2015 I did with becker and whiley and I acheived

    90% what's wrong any advise my score today 63! I can't believe it


    I posted this in another thread and thought others would find it useful too:

    My biggest piece of advice with the MCQ. When you are answering the questions, note why the correct answer is, in fact, correct and why the incorrect answers are wrong.

    Audit, in paticular, has a lot of questions where it seems like you are picking the “betterest” answer from the batch so you need to focus on that answer and understand why it's the correct one and the other's are not.

    It's also worth noting that a single word will completely change the answer (in paticular pay attention to things like issuer vs. non-issuer and what type of engagement is being done). Those things will affect why one answer is correct and the others are not.

    Finally, Audit is notorious for using language tricks to steer you in the wrong direction. Make sure you fully understand what the question is asking before comitting to an answer.

    Hope that helps.


    Just found out I failed REGS, and I am in the process of studying Audit.. Should I stop or continue?



    why D, not A? I don't see what's a major difference between two

    An auditor is performing substantive tests of pricing and extensions of perpetual inventory balances consisting of a large number of items. Past experience indicated numerous pricing and extension errors. Which of the following statistical sampling approaches is most appropriate?

    Incorrect A. Unstratified mean-per-unit

    B. Probability-proportional-to-size

    C. Stop-or-go

    D. Ratio estimation


    ruggercpa2b, are you using Roger CPA? If you did, what was your score on the cumulative tests form his test bank?

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75


    Question from ninja:

    An auditor compares annual revenues and expenses with similar amounts from the prior year and investigates all changes exceeding 10%. This procedure most likely could indicate that:

    A.fourth quarter payroll taxes were properly accrued and recorded, but were not paid until early in the subsequent year.

    Correct B. unrealized gains from increases in the value of available-for-sale securities were recorded in the income account for trading securities.

    C. the annual provision for uncollectible accounts expense was inadequate because of worsening economic conditions.

    D. notice of an increase in property tax rates was received by management, but was not recorded until early in the subsequent year.

    I don't think this question is valid. How does B affect expenses? Why isn't D correct? Which year is subsequent?


    Quick/silly question guys – Why the test is 4.5 hours in Q1'15? Sorry for my ignorance but I've been taking CPA exams since 2012, failed AUD (last section) with a 74 this morning and right now about to have a stroke thinking that the effing test is going through a major change and I actually have to study the material – AGAIN -.


    Reporting to the AUD Q1 Thread for duty. I did my first two tests as a total loner, (Didn't know about this site while studying for FAR) now as I am studying for AUD, I am finding the concepts challenging to grasp so I thought I would jump in to this community. I test January 6th.

    FAR 10/18/14... 82
    REG 11/18/14... 87
    AUD 01/06/15... 71 Grrr 5/06/2015 ... 73 Doh 7/13/15 ... 69 Ack 11/18/15 ... 86!!!
    BEC 02/07/15... 79

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