At first, I could not work up the desire to study for AUD at home. Since I was commuting an hour each way to an audit client, I decided to leave the laptop running on my passenger seat and listened to the Becker lectures while I drove. Naturally, I wouldn't get everything out of the lectures, like the mnemonics, but at least when I buckled down and watched the lectures properly at home, things were very familiar. Working as a first year auditor at a public CPA firm also helped.
During the exam, I flew through the multiple choice testlets and had so much time on the sims (over an hour for each) that I was able to use the research tab to help me answer the other simulation tabs and the written portion. I studied with Becker 2009 and focused 95% of my studying on practice multiple choice q's, 5% on practice sims, and an immaterial amount of time on the written portion because I expected to use the research tab on the exam. I felt very confident leaving the exam and passed AUD on the first try with an 84.
Good luck!
BEC 78 - 11/27/2008 | AUD 84 - 08/10/2009
REG 82 - 11/23/2009 | FAR 84 - 01/19/2010
-| Passed all sections |-