Hey guys, so the loophole held true for me…I got a 70 🙁 I failed the first time with a 68. I have no Auditing experience, but I am very very dissapointed, to have only raised my score by 2 measly points…i am kind of at a loss as to what to do in terms of studying more. I went in and came out of the exam the second time, thinking i killed the MC. The simulations..i had never even seen some of the material before so i dunno what was going on with that..
I am using cpaexcel..i dont' see anyone else on here using that…should i buy a defferent program for Aud? or try one more time before spending money on a new study guide? Also, if i do choose to change my study material..any idea on what is considered the best for audit and how much money i'm looking at spending?
Also, for those of you who killed the exam (congrats!) any study tips? I focussed mainly on the MC..and kept doin the questions over again until I got 90% or close ona ll sections..problem is..I think i may have ended up memorizing them instead of understanding them…HELP!!