[AUD] Exam Prep and Score Releases: April/May 2010 - Page 114

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    kewinnett – I feel the exact same way! Thrilled b/c, thank the Lord, I just got a passing AUD score back, but STILL waiting on FAR score from 4/19 (and really worried about that one).


    The AICPA has adjusted very few grades. For example, in the over 2,000 grade review requests, only one person on the November 1997 and one person on the November 1998 exams received grade notification changes.


    The chances of receiving a grade change from a failing grade to a passing grade are just about equal to your chances of winning the lottery. So don't count on a grade change. Begin your studies and pass the next CPA exam1


    I can't even explain this to my parents. I tried telling my mom and she said “Congrats, how many more do you have? Anybody(MBA's) will never know what we go through. I told everybody I had a 78, and asked me 5 times if I really passed. I really they would sit in our shoes. Congrats again and THANK GOD

    Audit Passed
    FAR Passed
    REG Passed
    BEC ??


    Vern, what study material did you use?


    Texas still not up, guess I'm going to bed for the night πŸ™

    BEC- 83, FAR- 83, REG- 79, AUD- 5/21


    I thought Gleim was great for MC questions. Gleim Sims were weak compared to the actual exam, hence, I assumed I failed. I can't complain about Gleim. It's cheap, but now I'm trying to study FAR and I'm having a hard time. I going to buy Yaeger for FAR, bc Gleim won't give me an extension. I barely passed, but I will repurchase Gleim for BEC

    Yaeger won't give me an guarantee if I can't pass it by 2011. This kind of bothers me

    Created with Compare Ninja

    Audit Passed
    FAR Passed
    REG Passed
    BEC ??


    TX usually posts at CST 4.10 AM.Goodluck πŸ™‚


    As someone who scored 74-74 on REG and lost my FAR credit because of it, I looked into this and the conclusion that I came to was that it was like throwing money out the window.

    You could sit for a re-take and get your score back before your appeal results come back.



    Vern – Yaeger's 2011 guarantee is for the 4 part course only.

    It's only June…you can knock it out before 2011. You have 2 more tries.

    I think the cost of upgrading to new materials once you're their student is pretty negligible if I remember correctly. Don't quote me on that, though.


    Sooooo happy I passed AUD! 80!

    Now…I'm back to trying to pass FAR<–the one that's given me the MOST difficulty! πŸ™

    Good luck to everyone. Slowly but surely….it's getting done! πŸ™‚


    TX is up…Got a 74 :(::::::

    and I lost my BEC credit DOUBLE OUCH.

    If I would have passed, I would have been done.

    Looks like it is going to be a bad summer

    Congrads to all thoes that have passed and Hang in there to every one that gets another chance to pass.

    BEC 81 expired, 74, Oct 80
    FAR 79
    REG 70, 70, 82
    AUD 74, 65, Nov


    Texas is up! I passed…whew! I used Roger CPA review.

    Good luck to all. Congrats to those who got the good news!

    I have a test today in my Advanced Accounting class that I guys I should study for now that I know my score.


    beansoc47 – wow we are in the same boat. that is the one I am really worried about too. Left feeling utterly miserable with 10 seconds left on the clock! Saw they released FAR yesterday. I guess I will know tonight or tomorrow. Took one business day for Audit to get posted here (TN). Best of luck to you!


    77!!!!!!!!! Woooo hooooo!!!! 2 Down & 2 To GO!!!!!!

    Although I'm a bit curious, I took BEC on 5/24 and AUD on 5/27 and on both I got a 77!!!!!!

    But then again who cares!!!!!!

    I'm soooooo happy!!! Congrats to All of you that passed and made it to finish line of becoming a CPA!!!!

    Best Wishes to Everyone!! πŸ™‚


    Thank you Lord for a 91 in audit.TX is finally up.

    I am done with these exams.Congrats to all who passed and those who have to wait just window,you will be there soon too.

    Hard work and prayers will definitely get all of us there.I am sure!

    Thank you,Jeff for this site,and spreading the word of Yaeger,i could not have done it without Phil and Cindy.Unfortunately cant say that abt Audit though.I bought the HS,but didnt go past the first CD.

    Thank you all so much!

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