Unscheduled break

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  • #201162

    Hey fellas, I tried looking this up but couldn’t find a concrete response. Took Audit today. I took all my breaks as I usually do. Minutes into my fourth testlet,I just had to go real bad. It always happens. I wanted to absolutely annihilate the sims so I took a break and straight up told the proctor yo it’s an emergency. She was like aight I just have to document this and “CPA reserves the right to cancel your score.” Damn now I start bugging out real bad but after careful thought took the break and the rest was history. For the first time ever I really think I annihilated a CPA part but now I got unnecessary fear of being “DQed”! Never a dull moment in the CPA candidates life! Anyway, I actually took the same unscheduled break last quarter which I ended up getting a score for, which was a failing score though. I think I’m just overreacting. Anyone else took an unscheduled break before? They surely can’t think I was cheating?! It was in the freakin fourth testlet. The answers are already there in the authoritative literature. Plus I came back mad quick literally like in 2-3 min and I was let back in no prob!

    BEC: 66, 74, 80* (Expired), 73, 76*
    FAR: 66, 72, 67, TBA
    REG: 68, 72, 74, 70, 79*
    AUD: 43, 71, 77* (Expired), 71, TBA

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