Prometric Cancellation

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  • #2974325

    I just received an email from Prometric stating that my scheduled exam has been cancelled and to not show up to the testing center. Thing is, my exam is on the 27th of April and the email states they’re still planning on reopening on the 16th of April…

    Anyone else receive an email like this?

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  • #2974421

    My exam is on the 20th but haven't receive'd any email like that from Prometric. I'm in Southern California.


    I'm in SoCal as well, I'm so confused:

    Dear candidate,

    We are sorry to inform that your scheduled testing appointment with Prometric has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak.

    Please do not go to the test center.

    Prometric has been actively engaged in identifying and responding to the potential health risks it presents to you, our test taker, the staff at the testing centers, and other individuals in the impacted areas. We are regularly reviewing guidance provided by local & national governments as well as global health authorities such as the World Health Organization (WHO) & the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC). As a result, Prometric has made the decision it is necessary and appropriate to close all testing locations in the United States and Canada beginning March 18. We intend to resume normal testing operations on April 16, unless circumstances require a prolonged closure. We have communicated this status to your testing sponsor organization.

    Prometric will reach out to you within the next 7 to 10 business days to assist you with the impacted exam appointment. Due to unprecedented volumes on our phone lines and email requests, responses during this time will be significantly delayed. We encourage you to visit to view site closures and to obtain updated information on the status of our operations.

    Please disregard this message if you have already been contacted or rescheduled.

    We hope the above information is helpful.

    Thank you,



    @ANIMALWITHIN Really? My exam is on April 18…But I don't have any email yet. What about your credit extension? Any information mentioned about credit extension?


    @John2018 I received nothing else but this. At this point they owe me a credit extension for certain. Whether or not they grant it, we shall see but this sucks. While I appreciate the extra time to study, this definitely screws up my time frame. I find it odd that I'm the only one to have received this…


    President Trump has given jurisdictional power to each state in regards to how to deal with the Corona situation. Some states will definitely extend n close prometric centers till 4/30/2020 while others will resume operations on 4/16/2020. It really depends on each states decision.


    sorry to chime in here kind of late, but have you tried emailing to ask about credit extensions?

    i did and got the following response- not sure if anyone else has:

    Thank you for contacting the California Board of Accountancy (CBA). The CBA will be working with NASBA to accommodate requests to applicants as it relates to extensions for examination-related matters.

    Prometric Test Center Closures
    Prometric has closed its test centers in the United States and Canada, effective March 18, 2020 and anticipate re-opening April 16, 2020.

    Notice to Schedule (NTS) Extensions
    CPA Exam candidates with a NTS expiring between April 1, 2020 – June 30, 2020, will be extended to September 30, 2020.

    CPA Exam Credit Extensions
    CPA Exam candidates with one or more CPA Exam credits that will expire on or before June 30, 2020, will be granted a 90-day extension of the credit(s) through September 30, 2020.

    There is no need to contact the Board at this time.

    Please continue to visit the CBA’s website at for the most recent information available. If you still require assistance after reviewing the website, please email us back so that we can answer your questions.

    Thank you for your patience at this time and please know that we will work to process your request as quickly as possible.


    @Jbsmooth I don't have a NTS expiring within that time frame so I'm assuming that means I'm not eligible for a credit extension. My first passed section (BEC) expires 7/3/21. However, I'm having to reschedule my exams and delay taking them until I get word from Prometric so CBA/NASBA still owes me a credit extension in my opinion, albeit next year.


    This is my opinion but I think that all credit score expiration dates in place prior to the shutdown of Prometric should be automatically extended based on the length of time Prometric was closed during the testing window. This should be automatic and not require candidates to call 50 different people. As of right now, that would be 16 days.


    @PDiddy2000 I agree with you completely. It remains to be see what they decide.


    Hi @Animalwithin, I might know why you received Prometric email but I did not. It might due to different location? I signed up to test at Anaheim location, and I just check the closure dates on Prometric website but it did not list Anaheim location. So I guess it will reopen on the 17th.


    @TNTTN It could be location-dependent. I'm using the Glendale location. I'm assuming they don't plan on re-opening until at least May, hence their email cancelling my exam.


    I can't even get a new NTS, because CBA closed until April 30. I use Glendale too, hope they will open soon…


    @AndreA I manged to get an NTS for my next section that I wanted to register for but after the cancellation happened, no clue when I'll schedule my next section (REG), let alone the section that they cancelled (AUD).


    Just received the official cancellation. Will have to check Prometric website to see if they're taking reschedules.


    Hey everyone,

    I was scheduled to take BEC on 4/1, and then I got the cancellation email (3/16). I later received (3/26) another email with the following:

    Dear CPA Examination Candidate,

    In anticipation of the reopening of Prometric test centers and in response to the COVID-19 situation, NASBA, AICPA and Prometric have made the decision to invoke an emergency testing period. We understand candidates are concerned about their testing options and, therefore, we are implementing this emergency testing period to provide additional testing opportunities. As part of this procedure, the 20Q2 testing window will be extended from June 10, 2020, to June 30, 2020.

    As previously noted, NASBA will extend all NTSs expiring between April 1 – June 30, 2020, until September 30, 2020, and Prometric will waive all rescheduling fees.

    At that point I saw my NTS for BEC and AUD had been extended until 9/30, and I scheduled BEC for 4/19 and AUD for 5/15. Hope the dates help in establishing timelines. I'm in GA by the way.

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