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  • #1779346

    Today I was just made aware that the past 3 months of working my butt off all mean nothing. I took FAR April 5. I had sat for the exam before my education requirements were fulfilled (You can do that in Michigan as long as transcripts are sent 60 days after your first exam). My professor just decided to throw a wrench in my life and give me a D in a class because I did not show up to many classes even though I was getting high 90’s on exams. Now FAR will be voided and my upcoming exams will be voided (AUD May 7th, BEC June 2nd). I am devastated. I worked so hard. Now I have to restudy for FAR before I even got my exam back. Halt my studying on Audit. I am mentally drained. I study full time so I have literally given my life to this exam. I dont know what to do. I will keep going because this is my life, but I just need some encouragement and some advice. A lot of advice. Please Help, SOS.

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  • #1784695

    I took psychology, went to about three weeks of class to decide (in my arrogant college mindset) that my peers were idiots, the professor wasn't giving any info I couldn't read out of the book and since the grade was the best 3/4 exams, I would just show up to exam days.

    A on the first three exams so I didn't bother taking the 4th. Report cards came out and I got a D. I spoke with the instructor and he said it was because I hadn't attended class. I took it to the dean of student affairs where my “the professor didn't add any value to the book and I get A's, why should I be punished.” They disagreed. My college wouldn't allow a D to count towards your grade so I had to retake the class.

    When I took it again a year later, the psychology department issued a notice saying that attendance was not part of the grade. I confirmed this with the dean wondering why my old D couldn't be overturned and he said it is because the policy was not in place. Same professor…I went to the first class for the syllabus – the new syllabus said you had to take all four exams and the grade was the best 3/4. I did the first three exams and got A's. I came in for the last exam. Put my name on the paper, picked C on the multiple choice questions and didn't bother with the rest of the exam. I ended up with another A.

    My conclusion was the university was just trying to get more $ out of me and wanted the professor to save face.


    Have a similar story to the above…

    As a freshman, I took an “honors” history course; the professor was just boring, didn't add value and spoke in a terrible monotone. The first exam was based entirely on the book. The second was based entirely on the book. Tests were multiple choice/short answer. Cut and dry. I stopped going to class. I got an A on all tests and for the course. It was a 50 person class and I didn't think he even knew who I was. I found out that I had also hurt the class curve. The same prof taught a more upper level course the next semester. I thought…heck yes, easy A.

    First day he calls me over after class and asks if “I'm mature enough” for this level of class. I didn't understand he was telling me not to take the class…I was arrogant, ignorant and naive. I said sure…I got an A last time! I skipped classes. Took the exam…largely essay. I get back a D…and I knew it was well written, well thought out…etc. If there's one thing I can do, it's WRITE.

    I understood exactly what had happened. I started going to every class. He was still miserly with grades…but by the end I was getting Bs and low A's. By showing up, not complaining and not challenging him on his BS, I guess I got some level of respect. My ending average was borderline b-/C+ and I figured he'd give me the C+ as his last screw you. He gave me the B-.

    I took his course again next semester…showed up…and the same essays that got me a D/C prior class got me A's again. I earned back fully into good graces. We never spoke a word about it, but he did what he set out to do…he taught me a lesson.


    I took his course again next semester…showed up…and the same essays that got me a D/C prior class got me A's again. I earned back fully into good graces. We never spoke a word about it, but he did what he set out to do…he taught me a lesson.

    That it doesn't matter what your quality of work is. You just need to plant your ass in a seat. Very important life lesson. “Don't even try, just be present”.


    I did have something similar to this happen eons ago. The only course where I really didn't get the grade I deserved was from an asshole biochemistry professor. It was his last semester teaching before retirement. He had no grading scale. He basically constructed the course so that everyone competed against each other, and openly admitted it. At the end of the semester, he'd look at everyone's total points and just “eyeball it” as far as who got A, B, C, D, F. Well, it turned out that there were three students at the end of the semester who got below 50% on the first three exams, and then on the Final Exam they finally made it over the 50% mark. He gave the three of them grades of C-minus. The lowest grade in the course was a D, given to a solitary student who never came over 50%. And then…there was me and a group of others, who were on the B/C borderline.
    We all got C's, even though our exam scores were in the 70's or higher, and we never got in the 50's or 60's. Given that ideology, we should've just done like the C-minus students did and chillaxed and not studied all semester…we'd probably have gotten the same grade. I remember sending this professor a few emails, asking him to please reconsider, that what he was doing was quite clearly wrong. His answer, “I'm nothing if not fair, and I believe I have been fair.” Yeah – welfare for the wealthy (or, welfare for the lower-middle while the middle get hit the hardest). I hope the old prick's social security payments get slashed so he knows how it feels.


    Hahaha as much as I wish this was a troll it was not. I go to a small school where the dean of the accounting department is pretty personable with the students so I have her cell phone and she was more than happy to assist me. I ended up appealing the grade and overturned it to an A with the president of the universities approval. So to everyone saying it was a troll or that I have emotional issues, I'll either see you at the top or from it. Also, I don't know if I passed FAR, but why not be confident rather than silk in my own misery. Took Audit today and feel great about it. Wish you all the best and thanks for the advice. Definitely should have gone to class more often, but i have a 3.8 GPA so I think I knew what I was doing.


    My take aways were more along the lines of…

    People have egos. When they have control and you don't, don't taunt the bear.

    90% is, unfortunately, showing up.

    Things aren't fair. Get used to it. Accept it.

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