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  • #1779346

    Today I was just made aware that the past 3 months of working my butt off all mean nothing. I took FAR April 5. I had sat for the exam before my education requirements were fulfilled (You can do that in Michigan as long as transcripts are sent 60 days after your first exam). My professor just decided to throw a wrench in my life and give me a D in a class because I did not show up to many classes even though I was getting high 90’s on exams. Now FAR will be voided and my upcoming exams will be voided (AUD May 7th, BEC June 2nd). I am devastated. I worked so hard. Now I have to restudy for FAR before I even got my exam back. Halt my studying on Audit. I am mentally drained. I study full time so I have literally given my life to this exam. I dont know what to do. I will keep going because this is my life, but I just need some encouragement and some advice. A lot of advice. Please Help, SOS.

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  • #1779352

    Appeal the grade


    @skolvikes I did, it wont get overturned. This professor has way too much clout in the accounting department at my university.


    That seems really unfair if you were able to get 90s on the exams. So I am guessing the syllabus has attendance as part of the grade? Did you try to go above his head even further? To the dean's office? If it's really impossible to get it appealed and at least turned to a C, then you will just have to regroup and try to put it behind you and go after it again when you are eligible. Also, does a D really make the class not count towards CPA requirements? I wouldn't know since my lowest grade was a C-…


    Well, did you know about your class attendance policy before you decided to skip classes? If yes, then it is your fault so take responsibility for it and move on. If no, then it doesn't hurt to talk to your department head or your program director about your situation regardless of how much decision authority your professor holds.

    My gut feeling tells me that it's mainly your fault because your professor had to explicitly state in your course syllabus in order to justify his move to reduce your course grade to a D despite you receiving high 90's on all your exams.


    I had a D in an accounting class and still qualify to sit. A D is still considered a passing grade as long as credits for the class are awarded. Maybe it is different in Michigan, I do not know.

    If you can try talking to the professor about your situation and see if you cant work something out. If he wont, then go above him and speak to the dean of the b-school and see if they cant help you at least compromise for a C. Do not just give up on the situation. Best of luck


    Skipping any classes in College when attendance is required and noted in a syllabus is not acceptable and deserve a punishment. Based on your description, you were knowingly skipping classes which your Professor or any professors or teachers may it do not approve. Own your action as you do deserve receiving the consequences. Stop feel sorry for yourself and start to grow-up. Follow the requirements of your school and all your professors /academic requirements. Learn from what you experience.


    I appreciate what you all are saying and fully acknowledge that I should have shown up to class, however attendance is not required, and nowhere on the syllabus does it say that it is. I appealed my grade to the dean of the business school and their rationale for not overturning it was “no student can achieve such marks on exams without attending lectures.” Little do they know, and I made it clear, that I was studying for Audit using becker to supplement the course so lectures in class merely mirrored my studies for the exam.


    Well that's a crock of sh!t then. You should definitely not be penalized for not attending.


    “no student can achieve such marks on exams without attending lectures.” Are they trying to imply you cheated? And did you figure out if a D makes you ineligible? Either way, I think it's BS and you should receive the grade you earned if attendance was not part of the equation.


    whether it is BS or not is out of the question now. I just dont know what I should do. Do I start studying for FAR again? or do I continue to study for Audit until I can take the exam (Earliest I assume is beginning of June.) I know Audit really well right now. I am averaging 90%+ on progress tests and got a 92% on the first becker mock exam.


    A ‘D' = college credits. I don't understand what the issue is? It's about college credits not GPA


    The D gives you the units. Never donate a single penny to the school once you graduate!


    Well @TaxShark, sounds like you're good. Not sure where you got that info that a D doesn't qualify for credits


    I think he was thinking about the 2.0 average requirement for the major (C = 2.0 while D = 1.0).

    From University of Michigan… “A student must earn an overall GPA of at least 2.0 in courses taken in the major. This includes all courses taken in the department of the major (prerequisites, required courses, and electives) and any required cognates.”

    Like everyone said, D is a passing grade/college credit. If the overall GPA for your major courses is at least 2.0, you should be good to go.


    You have invested so much time and energy in these CPA exams. If attendance was not explicitly stated as a requirement in the syllabus as you said, I would consider talking to an attorney and have them battle it out with the school.They are screwing you. Time for the gloves to come off.

    If you can't afford an attorney, I would call the local legal aid center (legal services provided to low income individuals), tell them your story and see what they can do.

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