FAR Exam on 9/1/18 Wait for score or schedule next exams?

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  • #1913884

    I submitted my reapplication to California Board so I can schedule my next tests. Would you advise I wait for my FAR score or schedule REG and AUD. Thanks!

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  • #1913923

    I would say since score releases are middle-end of september, I would go on and schedule AUD as much of FAR is still fresh and a lot of FAR is applicable to AUD. I took FAR, AUD, and BEC in Q2 and REG early Q3. Retaking FAR unfortunately, but a lot of the info has stuck because I studied a lot of this material on BEC and AUD and some of the minutia was covered on REG. I would go ahead and schedule your next exam for early October, and then if need be restudy for FAR right after.

    AUD - 76
    BEC - 75
    FAR - 77
    REG - 81
    "No need to worry, my accountant handles that" - The Notorious B.I.G.
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