Words of Wisdom from Dan Miller (48 days to the work you LOVE)

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  • #172670

    You’re Hired

    Some interesting stats from the July/August issue of INC magazine. The Questions and comments are mine (Dan Miller’s).

    New jobs in April – 119,000

    Who did the hiring:

    Companies with fewer than 50 employees – 49%

    Companies with 50-499 employees – 48%

    Companies with 500 or more employees – 3%

    Question: Why do job-seekers continue to make companies like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, Wal-Mart, General Motors and UPS their prime targets?

    You increase your odds dramatically by targeting smaller companies.

    What 2012 college graduates say the top priorities are when looking for a job:

    Job Security – 33%

    Salary – 23%

    Health Care and other Benefits – 23%

    Company Culture and Perks – 18%

    Company Size – 3%

    Question: Are you kidding me? Job security is #1?? Haven’t you seen what happened to your Mom and Dad? You’d better be looking for a place where you can refine your skills and show your value. But your job isn’t going to have “security” and guaranteed “salary.” If you really want those – start your own business. 72% of college students now say they want to start their own business. Companies are gun-shy about investing training in someone who isn’t going to be there 18 months from now. “Security” goes both ways.

    Portion of employers that have rejected a job candidate because of that person’s social-media activity – 34%. Top 4 reasons those candidates weren’t hired:

    They posted inappropriate photos or information

    There was evidence of drinking or drug use

    They had poor communication skills

    They badmouthed a previous employer

    Question: Most companies will Goggle you before they look at your resume. Are you comfortable with your “online” resume?

    Creativity will do more to open the doors for you to be considered than a stellar resume. What have you done that shows you to be “remarkable” in your job search?

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  • #356824

    I google my name, go to images and find pics of naked women…lol


    LOL @ Terminator. I just get a bunch of other dudes that look like me.

    DELETED (not deactivated) my Facebook account last year during the recruiting process. It was liberating and I haven't made another account since. Everyone I stay in contact with is either through phone, Skype, email, etc.

    I'm still on Twitter and LinkedIn. Twitter = best method for news.

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