- This topic has 92 replies, 32 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 7 months ago by
July 27, 2012 at 8:12 pm #172843
MemberSerious question. Please no trolls.
Why should someone study so hard for the CPA Exam, when they have to give 1/3 to 1/2 or more of their future income to the gov’t? This includes property taxes (even from rent), sales taxes, and other regulations (car registration, etc.). Not to mention the higher cost of goods due to higher regulations like gas, etc. Lots of people don’t ever work and have everything paid for. They live in just as good conditions as anybody that works hard (AC, internet, car, phone, etc.).
August 6, 2012 at 4:08 pm #361813
mena je twa
MemberThis great country of our's is becoming like Greece, or Spain. We have 16 trillion dollars in debt, borrowing money from china to pay our bills, Fed's printing money at free will, hence inflation is right around the corner or already there.
Obama Blames Bush's 8 yr for this mess, If obama gets re-elected the market will tank, and nothing will be done or accomplished in the next 4 years…and hence the debt will be going up & up…
I dont know if Raw-money is the solution to all of this, he claims he will come up 12 million jobs in 4 years and reduce the deficit by 5 trillion. At this point i am done with all the politicians, and the congress as well…..
Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012
August 6, 2012 at 7:18 pm #361814mla1169
Participantacctnewbiemom, I'm all for the “fair” flat tax rate. And I guarantee you that the top wage earners are your biggest fans in this thought. See, guaranteed the top wage earners would have a decrease in taxes if they decided everybody paid x% regardless of income. There is no way that the people earning under $50k/year are going to be taxed at 28-35% so the only way to make it “fair” would be to tax everybody at say 9%. (wow, this is starting to sound like Hermain Cain!).
So now the top 1% of wage earners has more disposable income because their tax burden was reduced by 2/3, and the middle and lower middle class have seen their tax burden increase from $0 to lets say $4500/year. This will further expand the gap between the rich and the poor (which I thought you were against?), and make millions more people dependant on government assistance. The rich are laughing at not having to foot the bill for a couple trillion more in public assistance, and the middle class already struggling to live paycheck to paycheck are now faced with some seriously rough decisions.
Still sound as noble as you thought?
FAR- 77
AUD -49, 71, 84
REG -56,75!
BEC -75Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.
August 6, 2012 at 7:42 pm #361815Hitemup27
Anecdotal evidence of one company does not suffice as a valid argument against government investment into technology. If you genuinely believe that, feel free to not use the Internet, compliments of DARPA. (You can stop using GPS too…the list goes on.) Government is often (note, NOT ALWAYS) the only entity that has the will to see projects with high degrees of uncertainty through to fruition…long after corporations have tossed them aside as being unprofitable.
Saying that government “always gets in the way” is not only historically incorrect, it's dangerous to the potential of our country and the future of our role in the world. Government is a key partner in industry and some of America's greatest innovations were done with support from the government.
What I find hilarious is that we swallow BEC macroeconomics which says “you can stimulate GDP by increasing government spending” without question, yet a portion of candidates reject that very notion when we see it being implemented in the real world. (You can question the stability of the dollar, yes, but I'm going to go ahead and say the dollar's doing just fine.) Any well versed CPA should really have evolved past such simple generalizations like “government is bad, tax cuts are good”. There are no absolutes. Compromise, although less sexy, is how society marches on. Taxes are the price we pay for civilization.
A - 93 - 10/25/2011
R - 92 - 1/17/2012
B - 91 - 5/31/2012
F - 93 - 10/1/2012
E - 90 - 11/17/2012Processing...
August 6, 2012 at 7:47 pm #361816LittleMoe
MemberWell, here go my 1st Amendment rights… I will try to make it short and sweet.
2nd Amendment – If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
DRASTIC decreases in wasteful government spending – YES PLEASE!
Flat tax – YES PLEASE!!
Government assistance regulated to only those who truly need it – YES PLEASE!!
And drug test those who receive it since I was drug tested in order to earn it for them.
I'm sure I will think of more…
AUD 4/12/12 79
FAR 5/29/12 76
REG 8/2/12 82
BEC 8/30/12 72 Retake 10/18/12 76!!! DONE!!!!
ExamMatrix, Wiley Books, NINJA notes and audio
LICENSED ALABAMA CPA 11/30/12August 6, 2012 at 10:52 pm #361817Anonymous
InactiveHahahaha Herman Cain! Lol I was actually thinking the same thing! I told my fiance and he was like but people making only 30k would be hurt badly. And it hurst those who went to college investing thousands for what now seems to be a pipe dream. I have a friend who majored BS in Info Tech and ONLY making 30k FT. Is this the pay a 4yr degree gets you?
Some people try to equate those who make 30k as the people in society mooching when these very people are the ones that build the economy. Most people making 30k as individuals have gone to college. And 30k is about 27-28kish after taxes. Not much but for some reason, we have the GOP preying on these hardworking taxpayers.
Your last post PERFECTLY describes the dilemma we are in.
I agree with you it will only INCREASE the gap b/n the rich and poor and it causes us to be in the same situation as the other nations I mentioned that crumbled and they were WAYY older than us when that happened to them!
Financial disparity is what destroyed the Macedonians, the Romans, and some Chinese dynasties. Its happening here…history has a strange way of repeating itself.
“This will further expand the gap between the rich and the poor (which I thought you were against?), and make millions more people dependant on government assistance. The rich are laughing at not having to foot the bill for a couple trillion more in public assistance, and the middle class already struggling to live paycheck to paycheck are now faced with some seriously rough decisions.
Still sound as noble as you thought?”
I completely agree, but at this point it is all about compromising and the GOP do NOT WANT to compromise!
Can we blame Obama really for the gridlock with Congress?
I guarantee you that the Democrats will do the EXACT same thing if Romney gets in office. They will purposely vote against anything the GOP proposes and will we back at square one. And when this happens Romney will face the SAME scrutiny.
And I am going to laugh at all of those who didn't possibly think something like that would happen! To think the Dems would ACTUALLY work with them to pass laws and what not…C'mon,use common sense people.
Like I said mla1169,I personally do not want “working middle class” families to be burdened but its almost impossible to rationalize this thought with some Americans. Sometimes you have to let people fall on their face.
I know its unfair when you have a BA/BS and only making 30k b/c employers(top 1%ers) want to be greedy and work employees for less. Nothing will improve if people cannot get jobs, ones that pay the bills. The housing market will NOT improve, nor the public sector, and etc b/c as long as corporations are purposely withholding jobs and paying those employed well below deserved wages, its going to remain stagnant and Dimwitt Romney will NOT fix this in 4 years…its a joke!
@Jeff And its not about whats on the tax returns…its the principle.
GOP made a big Hoohaw about Obama's birth certificate and DEMANDED he show it, which he did BUT they do not want to disclose info, the VERY SAME thing they were demanding….hypocrite much?
August 6, 2012 at 10:57 pm #361818sacredtheory
MemberThis thread is full of win
<munches on popcorn>
BEC: Passed
AUD: Passed
REG: Passed
FAR: PassedJared
August 6, 2012 at 11:08 pm #361819Mr. Mini
MemberWowzers. *SMH*
August 7, 2012 at 12:59 am #361820momto5
MemberFrom an e-mail I received recently:
The quote of the day comes from David Burge at the Iowa Hawk Blog:
“Apparently, I'm supposed to be more angry about what Mitt Romney
does with his money than what Barack Obama does with mine.”
FAR - 92 (4/27/12)
AUD - 96 (7/17/12)
BEC - 92 (8/30/12)
REG - 91 (11/12/12)August 7, 2012 at 1:30 am #361821rhodycpa
MemberA flat tax would most likely tax people below the poverty line. I would rather take a rich man's 7th lamborghini than a poor man's last grain of rice.
Enrolled Agent - August 2012
AUD - 01/05/13 (waiting)
REG - 01/26/13
BEC - 02/16/13
FAR - 04/20/13August 7, 2012 at 2:27 am #361822August 7, 2012 at 2:53 am #361823Anonymous
InactiveIts amazing the median income for middle class families went down the most during the Bush years and no one is butt hurt over that.
@Hitmeup27 If only, if only.
Compromise is what will rebuild this country. Being completely to the right or completely to the left will NOT solve anything whether Obama or Romney is in office.
Two PRIMARY examples of a house divided cannot and will NOT sand:
1/3 of Americans feel like this>>>
“Apparently, I'm supposed to be more angry about what Mitt Romney
does with his money than what Barack Obama does with mine.”
another 1/3 feel like this>>>
“A flat tax would most likely tax people below the poverty line. I would rather take a rich man's 7th lamborghini than a poor man's last grain of rice.”
and the other 1/3 are undecided on the issue.
Instead of people agreeing to something to help the middle class, they continue to disagreeing just for the fuck of it.
Warren Buffet is a billionaire…how is it that he agrees that rich people should pay more and yet the poorer people cannot see how the rich people are the ones that pretty much dictate their money?
Go private sector! 🙂
I'm about “fair” but the same people complaining about Obama have yet to pick a fight with those who TRULY dictate your money.
Do you think rich people are worried about paying mortgage or the car payment? lol Seriously. Nope, but believe me when you have to pay 2k+ in extra taxes only making 30k+<100k you're going to feel the burn.
Just b/c you are Republican(me) doesn't mean I believe in screwing people who had an unfair advantage in life…that is like combining the rules of the Para-Olympics with the Olympics. Should we penalize children for being born with or incurring a disability? No
To completely disregard this notion is detrimental to our society. Its like if I can afford first class, should I “expect” everyone to pay first class? No, but this is the idea of the rich…to think everyone should be able to afford what they can and that is not the case.
Unity is key to fixing the economy! Without it, the middle class will continue to suffer. This will be hurting our future generations…not sure about you but I am busting my hump so my future generations can have it better than me. Thought this is what people strives for….
Now as a leader tell me what would you do to get 2 sides that completely disagree to agree?
Anyone have any ideas? I would like to know how those who are completely against Obama to explain.
August 7, 2012 at 1:44 pm #361824Whogonestopme
The point of the government is to spend money? People who say we should cut spending as misinformed? The government spends money to provide luxeries that would otherwise be unattainable. Highways, military, education, jobs, etc.
You do realize with government money spent on research that the Internet would not have been created and thus wonderful website would not exist.
Also what is wasteful spending? Is it spending that doesn't benefit you?
Lastly, how is a flat tax fair?
August 7, 2012 at 2:50 pm #361825LittleMoe
MemberFlat tax is fair because you get a flat percentage of my money no matter how much I make. The rich pay more because they make more. So the dollar amount is higher but the percentage stays the same. As someone who grew up not having much but having just enough to keep from being eligible for any government assistance, it is very frustrating to have to work at a young age and watch your parents work as much overtime as they can get their hands on to survive while others are handed things we were too “rich” to recieve for free but too poor to afford on our own. I am by no means opposed to government assistance. There are plenty of people who genuinely need and deserve it (VA benefits especially).
I just don't feel the need to give the government a bigger percentage of my income because I am making more money. That's punishing prosperity and it is discouraging as someone who has worked for everything they have. This is just my opinion and I don't expect everyone to agree with me. But you asked how it is fair. And to me, fair is equal.
Make the cuts in government assistance and police it. Punish those who are able to work and not willing instead of punishing those who have worked to earn what they have.
Edit to add: Also, I don't believe that the “rich” or “entitled” should recieve any more or less than anyone else. If politicians pass a bill, they should not be allowed to exempt themselves from it. There should not be special breaks for upper class. Again, fair is equal and it goes both ways.
AUD 4/12/12 79
FAR 5/29/12 76
REG 8/2/12 82
BEC 8/30/12 72 Retake 10/18/12 76!!! DONE!!!!
ExamMatrix, Wiley Books, NINJA notes and audio
LICENSED ALABAMA CPA 11/30/12August 7, 2012 at 3:30 pm #361826Anonymous
InactiveThat is exactly how I feel. 🙂
People want it both ways it that cant be the case. You can't say don't let Obama dictate my money and then say oh I think the rich should pay more b/c that will be “fair”. Herman Cain might have been onto something lol I think a 9% flat tax rate is fair amount that helps lowers the deficit and everyone is paying their fair share.
August 7, 2012 at 4:08 pm #361827Mr. Mini
Member@Newbie – Would you please describe for me how you think a 9% flat tax rate lowers the deficit?
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