SIM’s are just as important as MCQ’s. DO NOT IGNORE!

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  • #3053415

    I know a lot of people are not going to agree with me, but I will say that it is to your own benefit to work on the SIM’s.

    One of my study method was to study nothing but SIM’s two weeks before my actual exams. I have mentioned before that it was a different way of reinforcing what you have studied. Believe me, it is true, because I have had SIMs where it was to match items, preparing part of a 1040, and even filling out a cash flow statement.

    I was able to do this because of the time I spent studying the SIM’s. I didn’t put in equal time for the SIMs as I did for the MCQ’s but enough to make a difference.

    You’ll also be surprised by working the SIM’s that you are able to find your weak areas you need to address. Property transactions was my weak area when I was studying but the SIMs helped me reinforced what I studied and gave me a better understanding of the topic. When it came to the actual exam, it was a breeze for me. If I hadn”t worked the SIM’s on that topic, I probably would have struggled and it could have mean the difference between failing rather than passing.

    That”s why I implore you guys to not ignore the SIM’s. The review courses you guys spent a ton of money on is giving you the necessary resources to help you pass. Utilize it.

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  • #3053433

    Yeah, i agree. You can still do pretty well on multiple choice questions simply by doing them massively even without understanding the concepts nearly 100 percents but not with sims. You have to know how to apply the concepts when solving the sims. Practicing lots of sims will give u that confidence on that exam day.


    I know all too well of the naysayers that you speak of. It took me three times to pass FAR and working all the SIMs test bank in Wiley made all the difference for me. I worked all the SIMs for REG as well and feel pretty confident about my attempt of REG earlier this month. In both cases, the SIMs for Wiley were harder than the ones encountered on the actual exam so I feel they did a good job making me feel prepared walking in to the test center. For people who are studying, do the SIMs. They really aren't that bad and there are much less SIMs than MCQs to practice so you can definitely get them down before test day if you incorporate them into your studying.


    A serious post by Skynet!?

    With SIMs worth 50% of the grade, we would be wise to spend time on them. A study program could only have a few questions on a particular topic, while a SIM could ask you about it 8 different ways. I agree they will help identify weak areas.

    A common theme I read – and have said many times myself – was that the MCQ weren't too bad, but the sims were awful. I have dreaded studying sims, do not like working them, and have avoided them. And I have too many fails because of it. I agree – do not ignore!

    WA candidate



    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    @23 – I tend to be serious when I'm Drunk. Usually by accident.


    It's 50% of the exam. Seems like a no brainer to study something that worth half of your score.

    There is a reason why I got a 74 on my first go around with FAR. You guessed it, bomb the sims and that was the difference between pass and fail for me.

    MCQ is purely a process of elimination..sims on the hand will test whether you know your shit inside out.

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