Scared after doing well in BEC

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    I just took my BEC exam the other day and thought I did pretty well. Today, I went to my live Becker class for FAR and had no idea what was going on.

    I know BEC is supposed to be one of the easier exams, and FAR to be one of the hardest; but I felt completely lost. I feel lost just thinking of pensions and segment reporting. I just want to calculate NPV and cost variances all day lol.

    Is it just me being to comfortable with BEC? Maybe I’m just anxious going from material I’ve spent weeks studying for, to something completely fresh? Has anyone else experienced something like this?

    BEC 04/14/12 87
    FAR 08/28/12 88
    AUD 10/06/12 94
    REG 02/09/13 91

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  • #339805

    I just started in on AUD yesterday and already hate my life. I know nothing about auditing. Most of the stuff tested in BEC I had last semester in school (cost, finance, strategy, etc). I'm sure it gets better, just stick with it. It always seems awful at the beginning, but just think where you'll be 6 or so weeks from now. Good luck 🙂

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    I have felt like that for every exam and I also took BEC first. I knew nothing about auditing because I didn't ever learn anything in the auditing classes I took. I ended up studying for 3.5 weeks and getting an 84. I think it will feel like that for all of the exams… I was extremely overwhelmed with FAR too because of the amount of material but as long as you keep up with the material it gets a lot better. I felt very comfortable going into my exam for FAR.

    BEC - Feb 2012: 80
    AUD - Feb 2012: 84
    FAR - Apr 2012: 78
    REG - May 2012: 90

    Thanks Becker!


    BEC is my secret darling. I actually LOVED studying for BEC, as I really love cost accounting and financial management. I felt very relaxed after taking the exam and was pretty confident I passed, which wasn't the case for FAR or REG. I liked so much I might take CMA after I finish my MBA in a month.

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    That's exactly how I felt after taking BEC and passing. I got too confident and started slacking thinking others would be like BEC. It's absolutely not the same. Gotta put in at least 3-5 times more effort into FAR, REG and AUD because of all the different math. No way around just working tons of word problems and memorizing the regs. Currently doing that and feeling good for my FAR this week. Good Luck on yours.

    BEC- Passed -Expired
    AUD- Passed
    FAR- 5/13


    I was 100% sure I passed AUD. You couldn't possibly have convinced me otherwise.

    I failed

    These exams really f*** with your head.


    @herbert7890 lol after reading the textbook for FAR, I'm having nostalgic feelings about BEC now.

    @tran102 good luck on FAR! I'm on my NINJA framework and watching lectures and taking notes at every free minute.

    @dtomasello yikes…now I'm not as confident about my BEC grade.

    BEC 04/14/12 87
    FAR 08/28/12 88
    AUD 10/06/12 94
    REG 02/09/13 91

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