OT: Thunder up!

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  • #172223
    2/15 n/30

    Durantchula Sherzie….Check

    All channels at work set to ABC…Check

    Touch-Tunes Jukebox set to pause…Check

    Harden 3 point shot pose…Check

    Anyone else Thundering up for the big game against the Heat tonight?

    Bec: 8/31/12
    Aud: 8/1/12
    Reg: 76
    Far: 73

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  • Author
  • #354103

    My prediction: Miami wins tonight and LeBron gets his first ring. The Thunder have the curse of the Sonics going for them and they always will. You can't just pluck a team from a city after 40 plus years by lying in the process and get away with it.


    anyone but Lebron ftw

    BEC - 85
    REG - 77
    AUD - 73, 83
    FAR - 68, 89

    CPA Hopeful

    Let's go OKC!!! Yes I am a Lebron hater, so what… Hopefully the Thunder show up in the 4th quarter and don't melt like they have the last 3 games…

    FAR - 81
    REG - 75
    AUD - 85
    BEC - 79

    Thank goodness it's over... Now on to the next step...

    mena je twa

    What a win by Bron!!! and Heat…South Beach must be rocking…I wish i was there….

    Thunder were jolted by the 14 – 3point shots and Kudos to mike miller, 25 points from the bench….what a game he had.

    James Hardin was a flop in this series, Heat did an amazing job of guarding him. There was too much to ask from Durant and westbrrok, they needed someone else to fire besides Hardin, but Ibaka and company were not even close.

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    @mena je twa, did you ever see that thread dedicated to you? lol

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58

    mena je twa

    Yes peanut, i did!!!LOL….

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    the Thunder defense was horrible. What happened to James Harden and Serge Iblaka this series? I think Ibaka or Collison should have guarded LeBron, not Harden and Sefalosha. Why guard a 6'8 guy with a 6'6 defender? but Miami role players stepped up. LeBron drove dished it out to Battier, Chalmers, and Mike Miller and they were all hitting their shots. Throw in great performances by Wade and Bosh and you can't handle the Heat.

    mena je twa

    JTCali.. Your analysis is right on the money.. i agree Bron should have been guarded by Collison or Ibaka even. i guess Scotty Brooks went for agility more than height… And Sefalosha is very very quick…..

    I am a Mavericks fan, and i was so so happy, when Mavs defeated the Heat last year…All my buddies, JJ, Dirk, Jason terry,, Chandler all were on a song. If Mark Cuban had not messed up with this winning formula , in order to create future cap space, i think Mavs could have gone for second glory this year…

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    Yea, Dallas was impressive last year. Sucks they didn't resign Barea and Chandler. I am glad Dirk finally got his ring he deserved. i was routing for the Mavs hardcore last year.

    on a side note, i hate the 2-3-2 format. 3 straight games in one city is too much. times have changed and the NBA needs to get with it. teams have their own planes and it's not that hard to fly across the country anymore. if you're going to give a team 3 straight games in their city , make the finals 3-3-1.

    mena je twa

    I agree, i never liked the 2-3-2 format…. I guess, there is not much we can do now, but hope that they change it from next year….

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    As a mavs fan and lebron hater I loved the finals last year. Hopefully the mavs make some big moves this offseason, like Deron Williams. He has said that his favorite city to play in is Dallas, which is his hometown. If you guys haven't seen this already, here is a video of Mark Cuban destroying Skip Bayless this morning on first take: https://www.brobible.com/sports/video/mark-cuban-destroyed-skip-bayless.

    About the 2-3-2 format, it does not make any sense to me at all that the entire playoffs are 2-2-1-1-1 except for the NBA finals which are 2-3-2. You'd think that there would be some consistency and they would have only one format.

    BEC - 85
    REG - 77
    AUD - 73, 83
    FAR - 68, 89


    skip baseless is a joke, he doesn't know anything about basketball. check out this sick Stephen A Smith video https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kQnu83R5CuM

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