OT: First Impressions

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  • #168698

    Call me “old-fashioned” if you want to but if I meet someone in a business environment and I get a weak ass handshake I automatically start assuming the worst about them. Maybe I’m just a stickler about this but I’ve noticed this more and more especially with younger guys. For girls, sometimes you get part of the hand, what I call the “half shake”, where they don’t really go all the way in and kind of shake hands with your fingers rather than your palm. I let that slide if it’s firm, assertive and they look you in the eye.

    The bottom line is this, when you meet someone in my opinion, and I don’t care who it is janitor or CEO, you should look them square in the eye, introduce yourself in a confident voice and give them a firm hand shake. It commands respect and I think it speaks volumes about the person. You only get one shot at a first impression and you don’t want to start off with an uphill battle.

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  • #336239

    Sometimes if someone gives me a weird grip so I can only half shake their hand, I'll say “hold on – let's try that again”.


    @jeff – lol. Awkward.


    dtomasello I could not agree more! I'm a girl (if I can still be called that at my age) and I believe in a full, firm handshake. The weak, limp, half-handed handshakes I get from some other girls (women) in the professional world make me cringe!

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!


    @kmwgrace – I know what you mean. A lot of women do that but to me it's even worse when I get the limp wrist from a man. I can't stand it!


    True, but it's less common from men.

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!


    I have always wondered what kind of impression I leave after shaking someone's hand. I have a physical disability that affects the right side of my body, hence a pretty weak handshake when I shake the “appropriate way.” I've always wondered if I should initiate the handshake with my left hand rather than leaving a lesser impression by shaking with the right.

    AUD - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    REG - Passed



    If it's an obvious disability I wouldn't worry about it. People would understand either a weak righty handshake or a lefty one, whichever you're more comfortable with. If your disability is not readily apparent, that's a tougher question – I never thought of that as being a reason for a weak handshake. A lefty handshake from someone not obviously disabled would be weird too. Hmm, I'll give that some thought & if I come up with anything new I'll let you know.

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!


    I can't wait to shake hands with Jeff.

    BEC - 67, 79 - (expires 5/24)
    REG - 74, 72, 77 - Key to Passing: RTFQ
    FAR - 77 - Chance favors the prepared mind.
    AUD - 64, (5/14) - FREEDOM!! (i hope)


    @sbruce810 – Interesting dilemma… You'd have to initiate before the other person does but I'd say go with the left whenever you can. If you have to use the right because they initiated and/or awkwardness just do the best you can with it I guess. Never though of someone being in your position but your probably the rare exception. I'd try to compensate with body language too. (eg look them square in the eye, a slight nod while shaking, etc…)

    @Hut-Hut – Shameless…


    I vote that we designate dtomasello our official “hand shaking expert”


    I second the motion. Considering only my vote counts, lets consider it passed!


    Ever wonder where all of the goofy norms/rules come from anyway? Approaching another human being, extending your arm, and shaking their hand up and down in a certain way somehow commands respect. Somebody sneezes, and you are an A-hole if you don't say “bless you.” Who am I the Pope? Never in any other instance do I bestow a blessing upon a person for any particular reason. If you approve of something a person does, the appropriate thing to do is bang your open hands against each other several times over. Etc….

    I do all of these automatic things in life, and then occassionally the though dawns on me, why the hell do I do that or what the hell does that even mean? Oh well, back to the grind…

    FAR- 81
    AUD- 93
    BEC- 79


    Awkward handshake moment … you just washed your hands (still wet – they ran out of towels) and see someone you know that you're not bros enough with to give the “air fist bump” so you have to go in for the real deal.

    Option A: Give them the wet handshake

    Option B: “I would shake your hand, but I just washed my hands and they're still a little wet!”

    I've pulled Option B on more than one occasion.


    I ussually shake hands, but I have an issue…..

    When in the office, i usually have “static” (if that's the correct word, when you touch somebody and get a little electricity, or something like that)….So for me, I always try to touch a desk a wall or something before shaking hand. Now you know that if you see me you have to wait few seconds until I get some balance on my body's energy LOL…..

    Done 😉
    Class of 2012!!!!
    Lots of prayers and hard work....


    My roommate does a firm, positive milkshake. I learned from her 🙂

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