OT: FAR nightmares

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  • #169344
    2/15 n/30

    I take the test on 4/12/2012 (this Thursday). I’ve had this reoccurring nightmare where one of my Sims is a never-ending pension problem. For instance, I systematically answer each question to the best of my ability and upon scrolling down I realize there are 20 more questions to answer. Noooooo!

    I’ll admit I’m a little stressed out, but when I wake up I start laughing about how ridiculous my nightmare just was.

    Anyone else want to share their absurd nightmares?

    Bec: 8/31/12
    Aud: 8/1/12
    Reg: 76
    Far: 73

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  • #339757

    I actually had a dream that one of my friends passed, and the next day I saw him he found out that he did. I had no idea scores were even released then.

    FAR 4/9/12- PASSED
    BEC 7/13/12- PASSED
    AUD 8/16/12- Ughhh 71, Rematch: 90!!!
    REG-12/6/12 PASSED

    USC MAcc- Fight on!

    They say good things come to those who wait, but only those things that are left by those who hustle.

    2/15 n/30

    Hah. If only my friend taking the test with me could dream about my passing score. Instead, he dreamed that we took the exam on I-pads and the drop-down menus didn't work forcing us to randomly select answers to get the exam done on time. Weird huh?

    If your logic stands and against all rational expectations our nightmares come true; I'll have to do the test on an I-pad and I'll get a never ending pension problem in which the drop down menus don't work.

    Hahaha. That would be ironic, to say the least.

    Bec: 8/31/12
    Aud: 8/1/12
    Reg: 76
    Far: 73


    I had a dream last night that I was taking my REG exam (even though I'm done with REG and currently studying for FAR). I had 11 SIMS on the exam and I had less than 10mins to finish my testlet #3 and basically had to guess on each question. It was the scariest thing ever…I'm literally going crazy:(


    Let me start off by saying I can NEVER remember any of my dreams unless they are so terrifying that you wake up scared beyond belief. Last night I had a dream that I was taking my first exam (FAR)— as if that isn't scary enough! The prometric center was in this huge dilapidated building and everyone taking an exam was crammed into this old classroom with disgusting burgundy carpet. The prometric worker was Bryan Cranston (the guy who plays Walter White, the high school chemistry teacher turned meth lab operator in AMC's Breaking Bad—best show EVER!). The whole operation was so unorganized and when I asked for a piece of paper and a pencil he said “We don't supply those, you were supposed to bring your own.” I began the exam and the material was foreign to me and by the time I got to the third testlet of MCQs I only had about an hour left to work. The prometric guy (Bryan) could tell I was struggling so he started giving me answers on the sly! I still walked out feeling like I did horribly. That's pretty much the end of the dream—SO CRAZY!!!

    I kind of think this is a sign because one of my biggest worries lately has been about time management on the exam. When I'm doing the MCQs I just go through them slowly not really focusing on my time… and if I don't understand them I'll take notes on it. So needless to say, its been going slow. I guess it's time to start timing myself and trying to work on my speed!

    Anyways, thought I'd share my wild dream. Have a good day everyone!


    Before taking FAR (my first exam) I had a dream where I had no idea how to answer the first question. Guess what? on exam day I had no idea what the answer was. The good thing-I still passed. lol


    Only nightmares I've gotten are around score releases.

    2/15 n/30

    @EELCPA Ahahah! The guy from breaking bad (Best show ever…ever) was your proctor!!!! And he was giving you answers on the sly! That sounds like a dream more than a nightmare. Except for the part where you had to supply your own paper and pencil.

    Bec: 8/31/12
    Aud: 8/1/12
    Reg: 76
    Far: 73

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