OT: After interview advice needed

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    So I had an interview with a Fortune 500 company on Friday March 23rd that seemed to go well. The HR lady at the end told me that they make their decisions fairly quickly and should know something within 48 hours. I really want the position so I was stressed out as the days passed by last week and I didn’t hear a thing. Last Thursday I called her and emailed her and still have not heard anything. Does anyone have any advice for me? I was going to call again tomorrow. It’s upsetting that she will not get back to me.


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  • #336962

    You called, you wrote….do not call any more.

    It will just pizz them off and you will be taken out of the mix. If they want you, they will be in touch. If not, don't sweat it, something cooler will come along.

    I once went through a ton of interviews with BellSouth and the freaking woman who was in charge of the hiring calls me up one night and says “We normally do not hire anyone from outside the company”. Now if I was cold calling the company to get a first interview, then that would make sense. But after I had been through the ringer, that statement either needs a ‘but' or an ‘so'. ….”but we really like you and are going to hire you” or “so we've decided to pass on you”. But she said nothing else…just a pregnant pause of uncomfortable length. I can't remember how the call ended but it was bizarre…so much so that I wondered if she wasn't drunk at the time she called. Every BellSouth person I've ever met after that point turned out to be extremely arrogant, rude, and condescending which explained this woman's behavior.

    Good luck.


    I agree with CPApending. Just wait and don't call her this week. Give her time to get back to you. I'd call next Monday in the morning before she gets busy into her work.


    Thanks for the advice. I'm going to call again tomorrow, just because I'm pissed off. I understand not calling after a phone interview, but I had a phone interview, then had to drive an hour and a half to their office for the actual interview! I had to take off of work and spend half the day there getting drilled with questions. She at least owes me a quick email back. It is so inconsiderate, it actually makes me think less about the company.



    @MF don't call my doode…nothing more annoying than a pushy candidate. Patience is a virtue that recruiters value. You have made the right moves already, give the lady a chance and follow-up maybe towards the end of next week. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

    Class of 2012


    I hope you send a thank you note/email to the people who interviewed you aside from the HR person. It should be sent immediately, and is almost a faux pas nowaydays not to.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Definitely don't call. Also, they owe you nothing. You kind of have a bad attitude about this. Your energy would be better spent looking for other opportunities.

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