Is it okay for boss to keep pushing…How is was said.

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  • #191249

    Hello all:

    An interesting event occurred in the office right before the Holidays were in full swing. A colleague of mine has failed Audit several times and FAR once. She told me this in confidence and did not disclosed this to anyone. Our boss came into her office to have a meeting between the three of us. Afterwards, there was small talk about what we plan on doing during the festive days ahead.

    Then she abruptly asked my co-worker how did she do on her exam. She did mention to me that she failed audit again for the fourth time with a 65, and she was too embarrassed to tell the boss. Anyway, she just told the boss that she is studying feverishly. The boss replied by stating: “Oh, I want result. Did you pass or not?” My co-worker turned red and very softly said she failed.

    The boss then proceed that she “Needs to pass” and do a lot of MCQs. Also, the exam is easier since a person can take one section at a time! She further stated that she took ALL 4 sections and passed on her first try when the final paper and pencil exam was administered. I felt so bad for my co-worker about the way it was said by the boss, not what was said.

    The boss also stated that my co-worker always says that she is studying, but the boss wants to see results. Again, I wish you were there to hear how it was said. In a sarcastic voice. Best I could describe.

    Is it fair for the boss to push her like this? Why say it is easier now? Just because she passed eons ago, but I bet she would have difficulties today. What if my co-worker wants to take a break from all those failed sections? Plus she has sever back issues.

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  • #637462

    Boss is a douche. She should be embarrassed for her behavior. She probably has issues in her life and is taking it out on your coworker. The firm I work at is always considerate of other's feelings and would never have done this. Simply not promoting an employee due to not passing the cpa exam is more than enough to drive someone to pass the test. The manager should be ashamed of herself. Passing the cpa exam proves one thing…your ability to pass the cpa exam…plenty of good smart people cannot pass this exam. Instead of embarrassing her she should have brought up ways to help her pass. My younger self would have said that I can't believe that people like her exist….now I know that tons of people act like this manager….stinks that people can't treat each other with courtesy and respect at all times. Oh well.

    Audit(11/5/13) - 89
    Reg(5/16/14) - 86
    FAR(7/18/14) - 82
    BEC(11/14) - 85


    I see posts like this and can't even believe there's people like this that have such a social ineptness to them that even allowed them to make it to a manager level. If you told me some associate or something was blabbering this off then I could believe it, but c'mon. Most people know it's courtesy to not even ask about the exam unless a candidate brings it up.


    zoctoman, thank you for your reply. I too have felt her pain, but in a more private setting. They only advise she gave my co-worker was to do MCQs and only MCQs, and to forget about reading. I was like what the heck?!

    Your score are impressive, kindly give feedback on your study methods and what course you used.



    There's no need for a manager to talk that way to somebody especially in front of a peer. Why is your colleague even putting out there how much she is studying? If she's studying during work hours she needs to do it on her own time, then it's none of the managers business.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Why do some people that took the paper exam assume it was harder? The exams were not adaptive as you took them so everyone had the same questions, right? Also those exams were prior to both SOX and IFRS not to mention a ton of other regulations and rules that have been implemented in the last decade (IT was probably a joke if even included). I know they had to take them over a few days, but come on. Those people need to get over themselves.

    That boss sounds like she has some other issues she is compensating for. She probably just hates her life and is trying to make everyone else hate theirs. Kinda sad. I feel bad for your friend, but in reality the boss is the one probably truly suffering through a miserable existence.


    Well, she once stated that I was nieve due to an officemate stating I was a weirdo, jokingly. That I lack motivation on not passing the exam when I graduated in 2010. SHe took the paper version and passed this test when it was taken over a two day span.

    Pondering an exit for better opportunity. Plus I am underpaid as a Sr. as others in corporate make 10k more . I work in higher ed.

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