Congrats Winners…

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  • #342511

    I'm soooo excited!!! I NEVER win anything!!! Just made the end of my work day great! Thanks sooo much!


    Congrats people…

    FAR - Attempt 1-(70)...Attempt 2 (Passed Baby)-Praise the Lord-Couldn't have done it without him.
    AUD- Attempt 1-Passed!!!!!!!!! )-Praise the Lord-Couldn't have done it without him.
    REG-Attempt 1-(73)...Attempt 2 (Passed Baby)-Praise the Lord-Couldn't have done it without him.
    BEC-Attempt 1-(71)...Attempt 2 (Passed Baby)-Praise the Lord-Couldn't have done it without him.

    ****What is one Golden Rule for Passing the Exam? 1) Read the question properly. and 2) Leave yourself enough time to answer all of the....
    ****Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They makes mistakes, but they don't quit.
    ****Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.


    I never win anything either! this is crazy!

    BEC - Passed
    REG - 7/21/2012
    AUD - 8/18/2012
    FAR - 11/10/2012


    Congrats Everyone!!

    Started sitting in May 2002, on and off. But since 2008 I've been nonstop and my scores are....
    AUD - 39, 48, 56, 65, 68, 73, 76!!! (Finally passed in Oct 2011!!!) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    REG - 75 (Lost Credit) 72, 68, 73, 75 (Passed again in Aug 2011) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    FAR - 65, 68, 75 (Lost Credit) 68, 73, 73, 80 (Passed again in May 2012) Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    BEC - 65, 68, 71, 72, 72, 71, 76 (Lost Credit)- 70, 76!!!! I AM DONE!!! - Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    After 10 long years of studying, I AM DONE!!!! Finally a Licensed CPA in the State of New York!!


    OMG, thank you so much, Jeff!!

    I never win anything either, but I'm glad I won't be able to say that anymore:)

    Thanks again!!


    YAY me!!! Thank you SO much for this!


    WOW! I can't believe I won something either!! Thanks Jeff!!!

    REG 2/24 81
    BEC 4/03 BOO!!! Rematch in August
    FAR 5/25
    AUD 7/7


    Awesome! Thanks, Jeff. I think I may buy a lottery ticket now.

    REG - 79
    BEC - 75
    AUD - 84
    FAR - 75
    Done...Thank you Wiley Books, Wiley Test Bank, and the NINJA Notes

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