Black Friday deals - Page 2

  • Creator
  • #190452

    What’s up with all the Black Friday madness? I have been aware of it for a couple of years now and finally decided to buy a couple of things this time. I’m not sure if these deals are actually any good or they just have sales on outdated stuff. Pardon my ignorance since I don’t live in the states and my only exposure to Black Friday is through the online media.

    So let me know what you guys think and do you participate in Black Friday deals or not?

    AUD - 82
    BEC - 78
    FAR - 78
    REG - 83

    NH Licensed CPA - Jun 2018

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  • Author
  • #621642

    sounds like most of you guys have had a good experience and online shopping is the way to go. I just bought my sister a couple of designer handbags and make-up stuff (20% off) and I bought some gym apparel for my brother (30% off). I think it was a good deal but I'll wait until they actually receive their gifts and let me know how they like it. I want to buy a couple of video games for PS4 for myself but I think I'll wait for cyber Monday and see if I like anything then.

    AUD - 82
    BEC - 78
    FAR - 78
    REG - 83

    NH Licensed CPA - Jun 2018

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