Back/neck pain from studying

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  • #1272699

    Hey, everyone!

    The past month or so my neck, shoulders, entire back, and even butt hurt. I think it’s from sitting so long at my desk. I’m studying for FAR and have online courses, so I’m sitting for 8 to 10 hours per day. All of my muscles are tense and sore, which causes me to have tension headaches. This, in turn, causes difficulty concentrating and makes it painful to stare at a bright monitor all day.

    I’m sure all of you have experienced this, as well, so how do you manage it or fix it? I will probably be sitting at a desk for the rest of my life so I need to figure this out!

    All tips are welcome (-:

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  • #1272703

    Sounds like you probably need a more ergonomic chair, and maybe better posture. The way I've also sat, although it looks lazy and might not be good form, is basically as horizontal as possible. I scoot my butt towards the front of the chair, and lean back further. You want your computer screen to be at the center of eye level, and if your shoulders are hurting, it seems like your chair is probably too low.

    FAR- 74, 78 (10/15)
    BEC- 73
    REG- 65, 88 (05/16)
    AUD- 7/16


    I raised my monitor to be eye level because it was too low which was putting strain on my back. my desk chair is also as high as it will go lol.

    I probably need a new desk chair but I can't afford a nice one right now, unfortunately. I do tend to sit “indian style” but I don't know if that causes a problem or not.

    It's funny because I used to have great posture. In school people said I looked horribly uncomfortable because of how straight I was sitting…I let it get to me and actually began slouching to look more “normal”. I probably need to fix that!


    Hmm, I actually stand sometimes when I take notes for Audit. Since it's a lot of repetition, I bring my book to a higher table and write out my notes/reports. I do so for 30 minutes and sit back down. Switch on and off. I think standing makes you feel more awake.

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB


    You need to exercise. I worked out 5 times a week when I studied for CPA exams. I ran or did Yoga. Exercise is a good way to handle stress. If you are not a big fan of running, I highly recommend Yoga. There are good free Yoga videos available.

    She is one of my favorite Yoga instructors:

    FAR 72,67,79 (Roger+Wiley test bank)11/15
    AUD 80 (Roger)10/15
    BEC 80 (Roger)4/16
    REG 63,78 (Roger+Ninja MCQs)5/16


    This is only a temporary solutions, but I was having the same issue with the time spent in a chair studying for FAR. I used a heating pad the went around my neck for about 15-20 mins. each night. While the heating pad was on my neck, I would ensure I was sitting with my back straight against the back of the chair, my shoulders down, and look straight out my window. I also listen to music (low) in the background and tried to focus on something that did not move outside the window (like your parked car). Although this was a relaxing moment, it wasn't all that I did the try to have the headaches lesson. I would actual stretch every morning when I woke up for about 5-6 min. Common stretches, reaching up and holding for 5 seconds, stretching both elbows behind my neck, as well as laying flat on my back and breathing heavy in and out for 2 mins. NOW, this is nothing that is shown to work, but it did for me.

    Another suggestion that I have a hard time with myself, is ensuing you are walking for a few minutes every hour. Usually what I do is walk to end of the hallway at work and look out the window. Since, I am in front of the computer for about 8-10 hours a day and then an additional 4-6 at night, I want to make sure I am allowing my eyes to focus on far objects and not be restricted to the screen of a computer oR even TV.
    The Yoga options is something that is an option and I would highly recommend, but I never had the patience to do it. Hope this helps!


    I went thru the same thing when I was studying… unfortunately monitor raised to your eye level and forced upright posture can only do so much and pain is just something you'll have to endure til you pass.

    One thing I did find helpful is something like this:

    I actually still have it, but haven't used it much since I passed the CPA Exam.

    Use it to massage your neck and your back while lying on bed for 30 mins or so before you go to bed to relieve the pain…

    FAR - 94 (10/4/15), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    AUD - 99 (1/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    REG - 96 (4/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    BEC - 91 (7/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ

    581 days of listening to lectures, reading texts & 10,000+ MCQs...


    @ultrarunner I definitely need to work out more and will see to it! I walk my dog a couple times a day. Does that count? lol.

    , thanks for the tips! I usually stretch several times a day while working but don't in the morning/before bed. I will try that!

    @jombe, I get very stressed out so that's my biggest problem. I know that I won't be out of pain until my stress level goes down, so hopefully that will be soon! that massager looks amazing! My boyfriend gives me massages every night, but I still hurt the next day. I will have to look into that.


    I have had the same issue while studying the past year and a half. I have experienced knee pain from sitting indian-style while sitting on my couch studying, and I also stopped working out during the last month and a half I was studying for FAR. Hopefully I am done and I passed FAR last Thursday. But I highly recommend trying to work out 3-4 times per week, and I am going to implement yoga a couple of times a week as well if I have to study for FAR again.


    Book yourself a massage. Like a real one at a spa. Let them work all of the kinks out so you're fresh and look up some good desk stretches online for daily relief. As CPA candidates we need to give ourselves a little stress relief treat every once in a while. I always scoffed at it until I ended up in PT for back/neck problems from studying. I had a horrible back spasm that made it so I couldn't stand straight. One short massage from the physical therapist and I felt better. Then one from a licensed masseuse and I haven't had a problem since.

    Bachelors and Masters in Accounting, concentration in public accounting
    REG - 77
    AUD - 71, Next one tentatively early November
    FAR - Oct 1
    BEC - before Jan 5


    Yes, the best solution when exercising. I have always insisted on yoga exercises for the neck and shoulders, and it worked for me. Of course, the most important thing is to adjust the sitting position and the height of the computer. Also, you can use a heating pad. My mother suffered from neck and back pain for a long time. The above method did not work for her, so I gave her a back/neck heating pad . She can place a heating pad on a bed or a lounge chair to warm up quickly. It has an automatic shutdown function, so don't worry about forgetting to close it. Mother said it was super soft to use and made her neck and back comfortable.


    Yup, chiropractor has helped a bunch. 1x per week for an adjustment seems to help with posture and headaches.


    All the exercise and stretching recommendations are good. I would only add changing up your routine as much as you can every day. A sit/stand desk can do wonders, especially if you switch back and forth through the day. And one of the simplest things I’ve done is just alternate which hand I use for my mouse. Takes a little getting used to but once you do it makes a world of difference… and yes, especially for neck pain.

    John CPA

    Google Steve Maxwell and do some of his mobility and stretching routines. 5-15 mins can make a huge difference!

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