Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone… - Page 2

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  • #166942

    I’m already missing Yankeeaccountant.

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  • #327794

    @ katie, Ok, Princess Bride is an all time favorite movie in our house, especially when the kids were younger. Love it. Thanks Katie!! I did notice how hot it was…crazy weather, I wish I could have enjoyed it, glad you did!!!

    @Peanut–gracias!! Long journey, I remember posts between us on CLUB 75, we were commiserating about quitting our jobs and not getting those passes—right?! I am certainly sticking around to see my “classmates” get their degrees and “feel happy of themselves”!! It will be epic. what was that question you had yesterday? sorry I missed i yesterday. Remind this old lady what day your interview is……




    @Yankee, Yes! That was about a year ago. Aww we've been cyber friends for a year now 🙂 The question was just about Gleim… How they don't show you which ones are right and wrong until after you talk with a counselor. My interview is the 29th (Leap year luck) but I've been in contact with a recruiter so I will be working by next week regardless. Plus if the big4 interview Wednesday goes well they can't start me until August. This girl needs to start making some money!

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58



    I'm in the same boat and don't know what to do. I have an interview next week too, but it's for a position I don't really want. I need to work, but what I really want to do is direct, I mean tax. My old boss says he can get me on at PWC but that would be in the fall and I can't wait that long to start work. I'm afraid if I say no to the interview the recruiter that sent me up for it will write me off. Plus there's the whole “you never know how it'll turn out” thing. It could end up being the best opportunity of my life.

    Are you gonna take a job and then just quit if you get the Big4? I need advice!

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88


    Thanks yankee for sticking around…we all would miss you too much if you just up and left us. 🙂


    @katiekanton, I'm dying for money as well. I had saved up a lot of money before I quit my old job, thinking it would take me 6 months to pass all of the exams. Boy was I wrong. I don't think I will get a better opportunity than working for the Big 4. The interview is this Wednesday, so I'll know if I have a job secured in August before I start temping. I'll probably start temping the day after–I've had a lot of contact with my recruiter.

    If your old boss says they can get you into PWC, I would definitely hear him out. They would interview you now, so you would know if you would definitely be working in the fall. This way you could do what I'm doing and just temp to make money and get back out there. Hey, if you're temping at least you get time and a half when working over time!!! A luxury we won't have on salary ha!

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58



    Yep, that is the pisser on the Gleim test. But I think what I did was utilize the mcq's until I spoke to the counselor. I thought I was still able to use the testbank while waiting for the detail test results. My test showed my score, but didn't show which one was right or wrong. I

    I think your strategy for work is a great idea. It will also be a testing ground for you to differentiate what you like/dislike in the companies and the job itself. Good luck on the interview!!


    I agree with Peanut, go for the PWC lead. Can't hurt anything, and you could temp like Peanut while you are waiting to start. I guess the only negative would be health insurance with a temp job, but heck, some might offer that thru the temp agency. Good luck to you next week too!


    Thanks!!! I am going to be sending you good vibes next week, but I am thinking you are a step ahead since you like Audit. I smell a win coming on!!! Take care!!

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