ACA exemptions for new Immigrants Please Help

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  • #1447790

    I have been digging internet to search for this question. I am U.S Citizen and have health coverage thru my employer. My wife moved to U.S in Feb (on immigrant visa) and Became lawful permanent resident in august. she got health insurance thru my employer by November. Is she eligible for any exemptions for all the months she did not had health insurance? if not Do i have to pay for penalty from beginning of the year? Please Help.

    I understand your comments is not consider as professional advise and will be used for information purpose only.

    Thank you for your time.

    AUD - 80
    BEC - 86
    FAR - 77
    REG - 84
    Hardwork will always pay off!

    FAR: 71, 77!
    AUD: 69, 80
    BEC: 72
    REG: 84

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  • Author
  • #1447793

    With new executive order you don't have to pay penalty ,in fact that mandatory provision to have insurance is gone with Obama.Regarding tax deduction it's complicated but basic is simple ,u can't claim unless you have paid.The url may be helpful.

    Are Health Insurance Premiums Tax Deductible?


    @Nath Your source would be nice, last I heard the executive order allows agencies to lift penalties related to the ACA, but none have actually been lifted so please find me proof lol. As for the question at hand I believe that as a permanent resident beginning in August the period of August through October would be considered a short coverage gap and is an exemption that is available when filing your tax return.


    @CPASomeday ,no new law has yet come and it can be said as early but discretion within law will be used as per new executive order and hardship clause can be invoked under discretion .Under a Trump administration, it might become easier to claim hardship and get out of the requirement to buy insurance.The intent of executive order is to not enforce the individual mandate ,how they will do it yet to come.

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