The worst part about each section

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  • #184377

    If you had to pick one attribute of each section that you believe to be the worst, what would it be? For example, I’ll start…

    The worst part of BEC is the mind-numbing (and incredibly boring) cost accounting topics involved.

    Go go go go!

    BEC - ✔
    REG - ✔
    AUD - ✔
    FAR - 11/29/14

    CPAExcel, Ninja MCQs, and a sh*t ton of coffee

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  • Author
  • #531359

    The worst part about AUD is the wording of the questions–definitely the trickiest of everything I've studied so far. And seriously, why is everything so gray in audit. I want black/white! *shivers at the thought of having to sit for AUD again*


    The worst part about AUD is the wording of the questions–definitely the trickiest of everything I've studied so far. And seriously, why is everything so gray in audit. I want black/white! *shivers at the thought of having to sit for AUD again*


    REG – freaking out at first thinking I needed to memorize all of the phaseouts. The real struggle for me was figuring out the difference between Corp and S Corp, and like-kind exchange.

    Ninja Combo, Yaeger, Wiley -- Licensed CPA, May 2015


    REG – freaking out at first thinking I needed to memorize all of the phaseouts. The real struggle for me was figuring out the difference between Corp and S Corp, and like-kind exchange.

    Ninja Combo, Yaeger, Wiley -- Licensed CPA, May 2015


    REG, the minute details you have to know for tax and business law and the many exceptions to the rules. I agree with 10-key, the like-kind exchanges and different rules for s-corps, c-corps, and individuals, you have to know it inside and out – it takes a lot of MCQ practice to get that stuff down.

    FAR 75
    AUD 74, 82
    REG 58, 74, 83
    BEC 68, 75
    Licensed 7.1.14!!!


    REG, the minute details you have to know for tax and business law and the many exceptions to the rules. I agree with 10-key, the like-kind exchanges and different rules for s-corps, c-corps, and individuals, you have to know it inside and out – it takes a lot of MCQ practice to get that stuff down.

    FAR 75
    AUD 74, 82
    REG 58, 74, 83
    BEC 68, 75
    Licensed 7.1.14!!!


    AUD – Have to reread each question just to make sure you didn't miss a word somewhere that completely changes what the answer should be.

    BEC – Cost accounting.

    REG – In all other section, you could understand the underlying concepts behind what you were learning and that would help you to answer questions. REG feels like a bunch of arbitrary rules that someone pulled out of thin air.

    FAR – Volume of material.

    Passed all sections.


    AUD – Have to reread each question just to make sure you didn't miss a word somewhere that completely changes what the answer should be.

    BEC – Cost accounting.

    REG – In all other section, you could understand the underlying concepts behind what you were learning and that would help you to answer questions. REG feels like a bunch of arbitrary rules that someone pulled out of thin air.

    FAR – Volume of material.

    Passed all sections.

    Not a Quitter

    Okay I haven't taken FAR yet but as for everyone else's comments on the other sections I feel are SPOT ON. Kind of comforting to know that people felt the same way!

    FAR- 85 I'm DONE!
    BEC- 75
    REG- 60,60,75
    AUD- 74,74,83

    CPAExcel used for BEC, AUD, REG
    Exam Matrix used for FAR plus NINJA Blitz, cpareviewforfree and a little CPAExcel

    Not a Quitter

    Okay I haven't taken FAR yet but as for everyone else's comments on the other sections I feel are SPOT ON. Kind of comforting to know that people felt the same way!

    FAR- 85 I'm DONE!
    BEC- 75
    REG- 60,60,75
    AUD- 74,74,83

    CPAExcel used for BEC, AUD, REG
    Exam Matrix used for FAR plus NINJA Blitz, cpareviewforfree and a little CPAExcel


    BEC – Overhead variances, cost accounting

    AUD – Different types of assurance given for each engagement – negative, positive, limited, etc.

    FAR – The ridiculous amount of material to learn

    REG – ?


    BEC – Overhead variances, cost accounting

    AUD – Different types of assurance given for each engagement – negative, positive, limited, etc.

    FAR – The ridiculous amount of material to learn

    REG – ?


    Definitely have to agree with OtherGuy about REG!! For most of the questions there's absolutely no common sense or logic behind what's being asked, so you either know the arbitrary rule (and any exceptions to the rule, and any exceptions to the exceptions to the rule, etc.) or you're screwed.

    FAR - 75
    AUD - 72; 87
    REG - 64; 74; 84
    BEC - 88



    Definitely have to agree with OtherGuy about REG!! For most of the questions there's absolutely no common sense or logic behind what's being asked, so you either know the arbitrary rule (and any exceptions to the rule, and any exceptions to the exceptions to the rule, etc.) or you're screwed.

    FAR - 75
    AUD - 72; 87
    REG - 64; 74; 84
    BEC - 88



    BEC – Financial Management & Capital Budgeting. I was a non-business undergrad major and only saw financial ratios in one finance class before my BEC studies so I really struggled to get all of the formulas memorized. By the time I got to variances I was just so happy that they were something I'd seen before, lol.

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