REG Study Group Q1 2015 - Page 3

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  • #651072

    Does anyone know if all the tax forms could be found in the research tab?


    I do not believe the tax forms are available in the research tab. Very unfortunate!

    I haven't scheduled but I'm thinking mid-January. I would like to wait less than a month for my score this time!

    I really struggle with entity taxation because I feel like there is just so much to know and it is not very relevant to my job as an npo accountant. I just need to take my time and lots of it and learn this sh*t once and for all!

    FAR - 7/13 - 72, 11/13- 74, 2/14- 82!!! Best score ever (for me)!!!
    BEC - 1/14 - 75!!! Perfect score! First Pass! YAY!!!
    AUD - 8/14 - 80!!!
    REG - 5/14 - 72, 10/14 - 66, 1/15 - 78 - DONE FOREVER!!!
    I did 5 of the UNA and CPAExcel classes to earn units.


    That definitely sucks if they don't have the tax forms on the research tab. Hopefully I don't get any questions involving the tax forms then.


    The tax forms are not on the research tab. The important part is that you know where things go in general. What is part of “other income” versus “business income (from schedule C) versus “wages”. Do practice SIMS. It helps a lot with knowing where things go and when you are reading through material just don't glaze over the Form numbers or schedule letters. The more you read it the more you'll recognize which forms are for what and where things go on the forms. When you're going through individual tax, print out a 1040 to follow along with as you read. Do the same thing with 1120 (I think) for the corporate tax reading. I didn't do that and I really wish I had. The 3 study materials I had for REG seem to go out of order when going through the sections as opposed to how it's found on a form, which is confusing. Looking at a form while you're going through the reading will help pull it together IMO.

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    I'll take a look at some of the sims on the WTB and Ninja, but I feel like it may be a bit too late. No way would I be able to get all the details down before my test.

    Please tell me at the depreciation table is on there LOL.


    I didn't have one that required the depreciation table so I couldn't really say whether or not it would be on one that made you calculate depreciation. I would assume so. You can also use the AL. I think MACRS numbers are in the IRC.

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    Have not studied but planning to give it a shot on friday. Spent most of the time with AUD. MY NTS expires so scheduled for friday. I know i cant pass but do you think this will lower my morale. will i end up something like 10 or 20 score?

    BEC Passed
    FAR Passed
    AUD Passed
    REG Passed


    It shouldn't lower your morale since you know going into it that you didn't study.

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!



    Surprised you can even take your test in December. Take it more for the experience, get acclimated to what you could be tested on, and make mental notes of areas you have no clue. I have a few mental notes from the BEC exam I took last week that will be a key area of study for me if my score isn't good enough.

    BEC - 84
    REG - 88
    FAR - 75
    AUD - 71, Nov 2015


    @tre- Thanks. I think that's a good way to approach. yeah…there were couple of slots until dec 6th i guess

    BEC Passed
    FAR Passed
    AUD Passed
    REG Passed


    Does anyone know the IRA phaseouts? I'm getting difference numbers from Ninja and Wiley.


    @ CPAHopefully11

    Traditiontal IRA:

    Single/H of H $60,000-$70,000

    MFJ: $96,000-$116,000

    Phase out of an individual who is not an active participant, but the spouse is…$181,000- $191,000


    Thank you very much, I hate how Wiley doesn't update some of its numbers.


    @CPAHOPEFULLY11… I sent an email to Wiley's customer service related to that the numbers of the 2014 are outdated and they answer was that the database will be updated on December 5.


    Good to know, I take my test on the 5th so hopefully I don't ever have to use WTB for REG again LOL.

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