I'm pretty sure the loophole told me this morning that I failed, so my day has been miserable. I happened to notice on one of the other threads that someone said they were going to have to pay the $50 to re-take the test. Is the amount different in every state? I am in NY and it costs me $250+ to take these exams, and I'm staring another $250 in the face right now (and its ugly). If each state pays a different amount that's absurd…especially with this mockery of a grading system. How do you give a numerical grade without a scale to measure the scores against? If 75 isn't 75% correct, then what is it? What's the difference between a 75 and a 74?
For a profession which preaches ethics and accountability, this is a complete sham. Charge me $250 every time I have to take and re-take these tests, but don't have a transparent grading system? Its a JOKE! And don't get me started on losing credits for parts you already passed…what does passing in 18 months have to do with your knowledge of accounting? Some people couldn't afford the $4,000 of application fees, testing fees, and review materials right out of college and had to start working to save up to pay for it. Some of us also have done VERY well at our firms, and with promotions comes more work, more responsibility, and LESS TIME TO STUDY!
Sorry people…just venting about the inevitable 73 or 74 I'm about to see on my screen. REG is my last part, and if I don't pass by June and lose my AUD credit, I'm taking up another profession.