[REG] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 40

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  • #221720

    Ok, I have a dumb question…Say I sat for a part on 8/19/08 and passed. Would that mean my credit expires 2/19/10 or 2/28/10?? 18 months from the actual day or the end of the 18th month??


    Shopgirl- I am in WA and didnt get my score. How did you get yours?




    the grayed out is where u check off


    CPAExamSucks, for me, in CO, is the last day of the 18th month but that is not true for all states. Maybe someone from your state can say for sure if they already passed a section.

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker


    In NY here waiting….Praying…Waiting for that split second of score bliss or pain…


    Thanks astutegirl!

    apruneda I got an email with my score notification…

    AUD (76) FAR (69,68)
    REG (69,72)
    BEC 5/29/10


    So what do you think it means if I didn't get one……besides more waiting?


    TTUcpaTT, there is me and another in this thread waiting on REG for Wave 1 from Texas. I just called the board and they said if they got the scores yesterday they'll batch process tonight. Check tomorrow morning or at 3am tomorrow morning if you are really feeling froggy.


    Pretty sure it's 18-months from the day you sat and passed your first exam. For me my credit expires on 7/6/10… meaning I need to sit and pass my remaining sections by that day before I lose BEC credit.

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    @Dale – Thanks, I'm not too confident in my score, so I just want the reassurance of knowing that I have to retake it to put me at ease. It's just like most things, people are less scared when they know what it is.

    AUD - Passed; REG - Passed; BEC - Passed; FAR - Awaiting score...


    Since it looks like I'll be doing some more waiting… this is for any of my followers:

    John Mayer (Waiting for World to Change)

    Me and all my CPA candidates

    We're all misunderstood

    They say we stand for numbers

    There's no way we ever could

    Now we see everything is going wrong

    With the accountants and those who calculate it

    We just feel like we don't have the means

    To rise above and pass it

    So we keep waiting (waiting)

    Waiting on the AICPA to release

    We keep on waiting (waiting)

    Waiting on the NASBA/Boards to post

    Its hard to be persistant

    When we're standing at a distance on another71.com

    So we keep waiting (waiting)

    Waiting on our scores to post

    Now if we had the power

    To bring our scores home from review

    They would've never missed a wave

    No more grumbling on another71.com

    When you trust your blog and Jeff

    What you get is what you got

    Cuz when when they own the information ooohhh,

    They can bend it all they want (sort of)

    So while we're waiting (waiting)

    Waiting on the AICPA to release

    We keep on waiting (waiting)

    Waiting on the NASBA/Boards to post

    It's not that they don't care

    We just know that the part ain't fair

    So we keep waiting (waiting)

    Waiting on our scores to post

    We're still waiting (waiting)

    Waiting on the AICPA to release

    We keep on waiting (waiting)

    Waiting on the NASBA/Boards to post

    One day all of us on another71.com

    Is gonna rule the population

    So we keep on waiting (waiting)

    Waiting on the AICPA to release

    Know we keep on waiting (waiting)

    Waiting on the NASBA/Boards to post

    We keep on waiting (waiting)

    Waiting on a ‘pass'

    Waiting on a ‘fail' (hope not)

    Waiting on a '75'

    Waiting on a '99'

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    I tried the loophole thing in GA and it said, “We are sorry. Currently all sections of this exam are still in process. Please call the number below.” I would assume that if the NASBA system knew I failed, then it would allow me to re-apply without any error messages to take the exam again. However, since it is saying the exam is still in progress, maybe I'll be in wave 2? Let me know your thoughts…



    FAR: 84, AUD: 82, BEC: 76, REG: 78


    Steve – correct

    glogo2384 – its only getting better. lol


    glogo, I think that was the best one yet.

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