[REG] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 39

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    I tired the loophole for GA and got the “We are sorry. Our system shows that you have already passed all parts of the Uniform CPA Examination” message. No score showing yet though, and I actaully took the test on the 8th, which should have been after the Wave 1 cutoff. I'll check atter 9 tonight and let you guys know. REG is my last part. 74 last time.


    Alex when did you take your exam?

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    Justwant300 thanks for the information – I'm just really hoping the “loophole” works. If not, I've got my hopes up for nothing. I really felt like I passed this time (I usually know) so I just don't want to get disappointed. As for being in Wave 2, it is very possible that you could be in Wave 1. My co-worker took BEC on 2/5 and got her score last weekend with my other co-worker who tooks hers on 1/15. So it is definitely possible…good luck to you & I will check tonight as well.

    By the way – NASBA only posts scores between 9PM & 12 EST??? I just wasn't sure if I understood that correctly – if that is the case I can focus more on these tax returns instead of refreshing NASBA every 20 minutes. Thanks y'all!

    ~Hayley (GA-NASBA state)

    BEC (77), REG (84), AUD (82), FAR 7/23


    I took the exam 1/26 I got nothin… no score, called state board and they said everything they had is released… which kinda makes me happy because that 2ND SIM I got….. WHEW!!!!!!!! LOL. So I guess I'll be out of this thread until NASBA tweets today that they are releasing 614 REG scores and then again Monday when they release 12 more. Just enough time for me not to focus on AUD that I'm taking tuesday.

    REG 1/26 (78) FAR (this spring/summer)
    AUD 3/2 (praying)
    BEC 4/2? (Studying for now)


    I've never had one post for GA before 9pm.

    Jeff, what do you think about taking on the 8th. Any chance of being in Wave 1?


    Oh yeah, way to stick with it astutegirl and congrats to PR Romo… (now you can pull those law school grades back up)! And congrats to everyone else that passed as I sit in score pergatory for another month (at least I'll get 2 in 1 week now) 🙂

    REG 1/26 (78) FAR (this spring/summer)
    AUD 3/2 (praying)
    BEC 4/2? (Studying for now)


    Glogo, I took it very early in January, I think Jan.4th. I hope you get yours soon bud!


    So did anyone esle from TX take the REG exam in Jan?

    AUD - Passed; REG - Passed; BEC - Passed; FAR - Awaiting score...


    Justwant300 – I took mine on Feb 9th. When I check my application on the nasba site it says all scores have been recieved and will be mailed. thats the standard message I guess once all scores for my NTS has been recieved. Also, the loophole is saying I have passed all parts. All indications my exam has been scored and released. I would be shocked if it wasn't.

    That being said it looks like atleast Feb 9th has been included in wave 1. Good luck to you.


    Scores are out in WA…got a 72. Good luck everyone!

    AUD (76) FAR (69,68)
    REG (69,72)
    BEC 5/29/10

    on MY way TO a CPA

    I tried the OH “loophole”…It has BEC (11/23: – 85) and REG (1/22) both grayed out. I passed BEC and am still waiting on REG so I hope this is right and I am half-way done…not holding my breath, though. Can we just fast forward to tonight when the scores will HOPEFULLY be released?!?!?!


    I feel your pain on MY way TO a CPA – that's exactly what mine did (I'm in GA though) and I'm hoping it means I passed. I'm not putting a lot of faith in it though.

    ~Hayley (GA-NASBA state)

    BEC (77), REG (84), AUD (82), FAR 7/23


    Virginia Board of Accountancy:

    “All the scores we received have been posted to the website.” and “I am not sure when additional scores will be received. I would hope sometime next week.”

    So, I sat on Jan. 15th and still no score… but maybe some hope that the AICPA will keep releasing a few more wave 1 scores.

    I lose FAR 4/30 and I really couldn't stand to sit for that again.

    FAR - 78; AUD - 81; BEC - 84; REG - 71, 78!!!


    For the “grayed out” do you mean on the page where you “check” off which ones you want to re-register for?

    BEC - 84, REG - 87, AUD - 87, FAR - last day possible in 2010


    Sorry to hear that shopgirl…keep at it and good luck on BEC in May.

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