[REG] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 38

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    I started with Becker (in 2008) and, admittedly, did not use it to the full extent. I am new to “studying” because I have been fortunate enough to get through school without ever having to study because I always got the concepts right away and test really well. I definitely have bad study habits and get easily distracted. That, and the fact that I am SO not interested in this subject. I got the Yaeger CRAM, which was really good and I felt explained things really well, but I didn't have a good core grasp of the concepts to begin with. I think Jeff has mentioned before though that if you aren't really getting it to begin with, the CRAM probably isn't the best option but I thought I would try it out anyway. Once again, I don't think I properly utilized the resources I had. So out of fear of losing FAR, I am going to shut out the world during March and get this thing done.

    I am definitely not giving up, even if I do end up losing my FAR credit. This is too important to quit now.


    glogo – I am in CA

    Thanks everyone and good luck/congratulations.


    So essentially we are saying that the loophole only works if you are waiting on your last part? Having a part open will make it show that your exams are currently in process?

    Since mine says that all exams are currently in process, it may appears that I'm heading for the dreaded Wave 2.


    So I took REG on 1/22 through AZ, which has its scores released directly from NASBA via e-mail. Anybody know when I should be expecting the e-mail? I wasn't nervous before, but now that I'm close, I'm hanging on the edge of my seat. This is my first section, and I just want to make sure I've started off on the right foot. Thanks.


    Just tried… didn't work. I entered all my info and stuff and then it asked me which tests I wanted to take. All four were available, but I just passed BEC, so I guess it didn't work. I even tried selecting just REG or just BEC and comparing what happenned after each of them, but it was the same thing…

    BEC - 84, REG - 87, AUD - 87, FAR - last day possible in 2010


    Does the loophole work for GA? I just went under re-examination and both BEC & REG are grayed-out. I've already passed BEC and I took REG 1/16/09…Does this mean I passed?

    I've been reading the forum for 2 weeks and finally decided to reply. 🙂 I'll continue to use this website as I move on to FAR & AUD!

    ~Hayley (GA-NASBA state)

    BEC (77), REG (84), AUD (82), FAR 7/23


    astutegirl, I had issues with studying for this too. I find anything else to do other than study. I personally don't have the greatest memory for this stuff since I don't love it either, so my best method was to take off 2 or 3 weeks from work right before the exam. I never use all the time to study, but I use a lot of it. I need lots of breaks to give my mind some rest. I found it was best for me to go to the library or else I would clean my room or the rest of my apartment before studying. It was really important for me to set dates so that I would have a built in sense of urgency. Since you are up against the wall with FAR I am sure you will study more efficiently now. I made sure to go through all of the Becker lectures, then ALL of the questions (HW & Supplemental). I also purchased the flashcards. I reviewed those a few times for all chapters and as I went through them, I made a page of notes for which flashcards I did not know and I made sure to go back to the book to review that section in more detail until I had it nailed down. The last few days before the exam I would completely skim/read the entire book for at least highlighted areas or areas that I didn't know well. There's really no easy way to pass this thing, you just have to have constant repetition.

    AUD - 80 (10/16/2008), FAR - 67 (8/30/2007) 83 (4/21/2009), BEC - 72 (5/26/2009) 83 (10/16/2009),
    REG - 74 (11/24/2009)


    Ok, so I'm scheduled to take REG tomorrow 2/27 in Portsmouth NH. However, I'm not sure if the center is even open due to the massive power outages from the storm last night. I called the center and left a message because no one answered. Here's my question, what happens if the center is not open tomorrow and I cannot take my test? The issue is that my credit for AUD expires 2/28 and this is the last section I have to take to be done. If I can't take it tomorrow and I have to wait until after 2/28, I assume they will let me keep my credit for AUD somehow?? Thanks!


    Hi Everyone! I hope you guys are enjoying waiting for your REG score as much as I am!

    I tried using the Ohio Registration Loophole link and get this message:

    “We are sorry. Our system shows that you have already passed all parts of the Uniform CPA Examination. If you have questions, please call your Coordinator at the number given below.”

    Does this actually mean that I passed? Is this loophole reliable? Or I am just getting false hope?

    Thanks in advance!

    BEC 8/09 - 89, FAR 10/09 - 96, AUD 11/09 - 99, REG 1/10 - ??


    Anyone out there in WA get their scores yet?

    AUD (76) FAR (69,68)
    REG (69,72)
    BEC 5/29/10


    NJTaxGuy – here's my take on it… I have NOT heard anyone say the “loophole” told them they passed, but they didn't actually pass. So, it seems like if it says that, it might actually be true (unless people are finding it not to be true and then NOT posting that on the website).

    Also, it might work better for people who are waiting for their last test. I just tried it and it brought me to a screen where I can choose which test I want to sign up for (I have not taken all of them yet). SOME people have said that the sections they've passed or are waiting on are “grayed out” when they try to choose a section, so that is THEIR way of knowing whether they passed or not (people that have not taken all four).

    But, NONE of mine were shaded and I was allowed to pick any of them, however I have passed BEC. SO, basically it seems to work for some people and not others, or else people are lying.

    BEC - 84, REG - 87, AUD - 87, FAR - last day possible in 2010


    CPAExam – sorry about that! What a horrible situation! I don't know what the answer to it would be but I would try to call or something!

    BEC - 84, REG - 87, AUD - 87, FAR - last day possible in 2010


    Thanks for the help Murphy. yes this is my last one so it doesn't let me go past that screen to see which boxes are grayed out and which aren't. The OH link just gives me the error mentioned above. I hope it works. Didn't tell people that I am done yet. But don't feel like waiting until Monday to find out (if it comes to it).

    BEC 8/09 - 89, FAR 10/09 - 96, AUD 11/09 - 99, REG 1/10 - ??


    CPA exam- I would call today ASAP! I have heard before about people being given extended time before parts expire. Hopefully they will extend it for you since testing has been extended into March, so it would still be the first window.

    BEC 8/09 - 89, FAR 10/09 - 96, AUD 11/09 - 99, REG 1/10 - ??


    Passed with a 93 in IL, I hope everyone has good news today!

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