[REG] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 37

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  • #221675

    I put in all the infor and than a box comes with a all the sections, Audit I passed it was grayed out and so was reg


    CA Exam results for REG posted 5:38 am this morning 2/26/2010

    87 for me.


    oh nice Ihope congrats! Did you have to put in empoloyer info and stuff first too?

    BEC - 84, REG - 87, AUD - 87, FAR - last day possible in 2010


    Congrats Canned Ham

    BEC - 84, REG - 87, AUD - 87, FAR - last day possible in 2010


    Yeah I put in all my employer info. Just not sure if I really trust this loophole?


    73 for me…oh well. 5th times a charm, right? I'll be taking the exam again in April to prevent losing my FAR credit. I'm thinking about borrowing from the bank of dad and getting the Yaeger Home Study since, obviously, my current materials are just not doing it for me.

    According to my score report I nailed property transactions, the simulations, and the written communication. I just need to work some more on the Ethics and Responsibilities and Entity Taxation.

    Congrats to everyone that passed, and to everyone that didn't, don't give up and it will happen eventually.

    Thanks, Jeff, for this site. It has definitely been a great resource and I will be back on here going insane for the Q2 Wave 1 release in May.


    The OH loophole link that I used from the loophole thread wasn't an OH re-registration page. It just asked me for my jurisdiction ID and DOB, and then I received the “you have already passed all 4 parts” message. I didn't have to choose any sections or enter any employer info or credit card info. Hope that helps. I am not putting full trust into the loophole, I will feel better seeing a score tonight!

    11/01 – ARE, 81; AUD, 76 (expired 11/06)

    10/06 – FAR, 76 (expired 4/08)

    8/09 – FAR, 84; 10/09 – AUD, 86; 11/09 – BEC, 79

    2/5/2010 – REG


    Oh man sorry to hear that astutegirl. You'll get it done this time.

    What did you use to study? I used Becker and that worked well for me.

    AUD - 80 (10/16/2008), FAR - 67 (8/30/2007) 83 (4/21/2009), BEC - 72 (5/26/2009) 83 (10/16/2009),
    REG - 74 (11/24/2009)


    lovemyGSP, congrats……………I am a little uneasy about the loophole too and won't fully believe it till I see the passing score pop up. It makes sense that this would be correct though since the scores are already populated within the system and just need to be released.

    AUD - 80 (10/16/2008), FAR - 67 (8/30/2007) 83 (4/21/2009), BEC - 72 (5/26/2009) 83 (10/16/2009),
    REG - 74 (11/24/2009)


    astutegirl – so sorry! know the feeling… what state are you in?

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)

    Puerto Rico Romo

    I also tried the loophole thing said I had passed all parts, is this legit?


    Take a screen shot and e-mail it to them if you get a failing score… Maybe they'll bump you up a couple points.


    Puerto Rico Romo is that your last part?


    Sorry astute girl… I'll see you here next round! Good Luck! The Professional Responsibility/Ethics stuff was my hardest part too I think. The “fluffy” stuff is so hard/weird to learn for TESTS, as opposed to just how to act IMO.

    BEC - 84, REG - 87, AUD - 87, FAR - last day possible in 2010


    murphyqu03 – any luck w/the loophole?

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