[REG] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 33

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    MD and news on the results? I have not received an email as yet


    murphyqu03 – Does the loophole work for you? Do you have to enter CC info., or will you get the message after you submit on the preious screen?


    Alright who's ready to get some REG scores??!!!!

    Lets get this show on the road

    AUD – 49 (didnt put forth much studying)

    FAR – 98 (studied a ton)

    BEC – Taking it tomorrow so REG better be posted tonight

    REG – Hoping to get it tonight before I take BEC tomorrow


    Only try the loophole in OH even though your from a different state and NO don't put in your cc info. It will not work by a lot of states but will work for all through OH.


    Anyone know if the loophole works in Texas? I have gone to the NASBA site, and when I go to screen that would let me select which exam, it is blank. I have already passed Audit, and it is not shown either…Good sign?

    AUD - Passed; REG - Passed; BEC - Passed; FAR - Awaiting score...


    Good morning!. I am in PA and waiting on REG which is my last part. My loophole report……

    1.) I logged in to NASBA through the OH loophole link (on the 1st page of the loophole thread) this morning and my message reads:

    “We are sorry. Our system shows that you have already passed all parts of the Uniform CPA Examination. If you have questions, please call your Coordinator at the number given below. Please call the number below.



    2.) I logged in to NASBA through the PA “my application” screen this morning and my message reads:

    “The section(s) of your Notice to Schedule (NTS) have been attended and scored. The score(s) reported generated a score notice to be mailed to you.

    If you do not receive your score notice via US Mail after the next 10 business days (domestic) or after the next 30 days (international), contact our office at cpaexam@nasba.org. Please provide the following;

    your name,

    your jurisdiction,

    your jurisdiction id number,

    your complete mailing address, and

    in the subject line – Score Notice not received”

    Yesterday when I logged in to the “my application” screen in PA I received a different message saying that my scores had not yet been received, so I think it's safe to assume they have received my score, but I think I will need to actually see my score tonight to know whether this OH loophole really works or not. This is crazy!!! I will be going directly to the liquor store tonight after work

    Good luck everyone!!!

    11/01 – ARE, 81; AUD, 76 (expired 11/06)

    10/06 – FAR, 76 (expired 4/08)

    8/09 – FAR, 84; 10/09 – AUD, 86; 11/09 – BEC, 79

    2/5/2010 – REG


    pomo – why does Ohio ask so much info about my current employement? It wont be hrown off by the fact that I throw in MA/RI addresses?


    Passed REG with 91. It was on the CA website at about 6am.

    Good luck to all who are waiting!!!

    FAR 10/09 - 91; BEC 11/09 - 83 ; REG 01/10 - 91; AUD 02/10 Waiting


    I am in NY, tried the OH loophole and it told me i passed all parts! I just want to confirm, is this loophole going to work for me?!? Is this right?! I hope so!


    For what's worth, I tried to register in Ohio, even though I live in Florida. I got to the screen to select the exam. I could only select FAR which I have not taken or registered for yet. I passed BEC, I am waiting on scores for REG and have already registered for AUD which I take next month. Don't know that it tells me much, unless it should allow me to register for REG if I failed. Of course, the system may not have that information yet and may not allow me to register until it does.

    BEC 89, REG 78, AUD 76, FAR 7/6


    CA scores are up. 87 and… I am DONE. Good luck to everyone.. And thank you, Jeff.


    I am in NY, have passed Audit and FARE and am waiting for Reg score. Have not yet scheduled BEC. I tried the Ohio thing and got a message that said “We are sorry, all sections of the exam are still in process.” That better not mean I'm in Wave 2!

    Aud 11/17/09 - 82, FARE 10/26/09 - 83, REG 2/5/10-81, BEC 5/26/10-76


    fsucpa – I got the same result. Lets keep our fingers crossed that actually means something!


    I need to pass REG, otherwise I'll lose my 98 on FAR. Then I'll be looking at just my 49, which last time I checked is a very bad failing score. I actually ran out of time on AUD, I didnt know it was possible. Probably didnt help that I did some grocery shopping during the test. I advise against that, lol.


    does anyone know if this loopehole works???

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