[REG] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 27

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  • #221525

    @sherry2008 we can only hope, can't we? This isn't fair somehow. Several of my colleagues have received their scores for other sections, laughing while they watch me suffer waiting for REG.

    AUD(85) / REG (85) / FAR: (4/3/10) / BEC (5/1/10)


    I think another song from glogo would be a welcome distraction from this massive deferred rent schedule I am working on. =)


    Just finished Reg exam. I feel like the last set of questions were more difficult than the first two. They dealt with basis and half a dozen of them tripped me up. My first sim I did not feel great about, but the 2nd was not too bad. I did not complete the research tabs though. Has anyone gone through something similar? I feel like I'm border line passing:(


    I agree wholeheartedly. A song is definitely in order. Anything to distract me from reconciling all these intercompany sales transactions…

    I nearly lost it laughing at work yesterday when I read the song posted. Then I had to explain what was so funny to my manager, haha.



    I joined Club 75 last night….how do I get access to the info?

    I PM'd you also.



    I just have to give the people what they want:

    Don't Stop Believing (Journey)

    Just a small town CPA candidate, livin' in a lonely CPA world

    We took the midnight train goin' to another71.com

    Just a AICPA board member, born and raised in South Detroit

    He took the midnight train goin' to check his score

    A test taker in a Prometric room

    The smell of sweat and cheap perfume

    For a smile they can share the night on another71.com

    The waiting goes on and on and on and on until we pass

    Strangers waiting, up and down the blog

    Their eyes searching scores in the night

    Computers, aspiring accountants, living just to find their scores

    Hiding, somewhere behind a screen on another71.com

    Working hard to get my CPA,

    Everybody wants a calculator

    Payin' anything to pass this exam

    Just one more time before I pass

    Some will pass, some will fail

    Some are born to take this exam a million times

    Oh, the movie never ends

    It goes on and on and on and on we pass

    Strangers waiting, up and down another71.con blog posts

    Their hearts pounding searching their score in the night

    Computers, aspiring accountants, living just to find their scores

    Hiding, somewhere behind a screen on another71.com

    Don't stop believin' in the AICPA

    Hold on to that feelin' for NASBA

    Scores, people

    Don't stop believin'

    Hold on…

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    CPA-Valenz – i sent it to the e-mail associated with your Paypal…my apologies…I'll re-send it…


    ::clap clap:: Thanks, glogo. That was the best!


    glogo – Thanks its awesome


    Ok, guys. I think we have officially passed the point of this being ridiculous, and entered into absurdity (I think that might be a word). WTH are our scores AICPA????????


    Astute girl – I forget… are you waiting for REG as your last? I know I was reading something from you last night but can't remember.

    This is crazy huh? I keep forgetting that if it's not out now, we probably won't get results till next week IIIFFFFF we are not pushed to the second window!!! haha.

    Any of you guys waiting in MA? I wish we weren't NASBA!

    BEC - 84, REG - 87, AUD - 87, FAR - last day possible in 2010


    Great Job, glogo. You may have missed your calling.

    BEC 77

    FAR 36/84

    AUD 68/86

    REG 55/waiting and waiting and waiting . . . .


    That is funny…I am constantly wishing my state was NASBA…it is way better than snail mail trust me! 🙂


    murphy – yes, REG is my last. I need to get my score, either way, asap so I can either finally be done and celebrate, or reschedule since I lose credit for FAR on 4/17/10. The process in CA from application to NTS can take up to a month sometimes, so my biggest fear at this point is being pushed into Wave 2 and not being able to schedule the retake before April 17. Luckily, since I am in CA, as long as scores get released today or (ugh!) tomorrow, I should have my score before the weekend. I am going insane with this waiting and am SO not productive at work today. I am an Audit Senior and setting a very bad example for my staff. =)


    The forum's been a savior and many thanks to Jeff for providing it. So I took my first test (REG) 2/9 – is it safe to say that I'm automatically Wave 2? Seems to be some noise of test takers sitting 2/8 and being included in Wave 1. I feel everyone's frustration with respect to these results …. were absolutely powerless and NASBA's lack of communication is criminal.

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