[REG] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 24

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  • #221480

    LMBO @ glogo! This is my first exam… I gave my girlfriend my access codes to the NV state board, and I'm ready for her to find out if she's with a dummy or someone who might actually pass this exam one day and start saving for that 32K ring she wants from Tiffany's…. HA!

    REG 1/26 (78) FAR (this spring/summer)
    AUD 3/2 (praying)
    BEC 4/2? (Studying for now)


    The wait is killing me! (I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, either!)

    FAR - 87; AUD - 95; REG - 85; BEC - 90



    i hate waiting! what they are doing now? i am waiting for 5 days! i hope i can get the score ASAP then i can calm down to prepare for my AUD next week…


    I guess we will be back here tomorrow wondering when will the AICPA release REG


    There is still hope pomo. The AICPA has released as late as 8:00 EST before.

    Puerto Rico Romo

    My guess is tonight 8pm est


    Wouldn't It Be Nice (The Beach Boys)

    Wouldn't it be nice if we got our scores

    Then we wouldn't have to wait so long

    And wouldn't it be nice to know if we passed or failed

    In the kind of world where we belong

    You know its gonna make it that much better

    When we can say we passed or failed

    Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up and our score would be there

    In the morning when the day is new

    And after having spent the day on another71.com

    Blog to one another close the whole night through

    The happy times together we've been spending on another71.com

    I wish that every post was never ending

    Oh wouldn't it be nice

    Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray it might come true (pass, fail, pass)

    Baby then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do as CPAs

    We could be CPAs (we could be married)

    And then we'd be happy (then we'd be CPAs)

    Wouldn't it be nice (ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba)

    You know it seems the more we talk about it

    It only makes it worse to live without a CPA

    But lets talk about it

    Oh, wouldn't it be nice

    good night my CPA

    sleep tight my AICPA

    good night my CPA

    sleep tight my NASBA

    good night my CPA

    sleep tight my another71.com

    good night my CPA

    sleep tight my Independent State Boards

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    glogo – that made me LOL, I am at a client and they probably think I am insane. Thank you for that.



    REG 1/26 (78) FAR (this spring/summer)
    AUD 3/2 (praying)
    BEC 4/2? (Studying for now)

    Puerto Rico Romo

    Cmon CPA give me good news tonight so I can get back to studying tax law @ law school. Im going to cry if I have to take Reg and BEC again (bec expires 2/28/2010)


    This is a joke. The chances of a AICPA reg release at this point tonight are pretty slim to none. At this rate, we won't get our scores until next week.


    Something must have gone wrong with REG…………..


    Well I have been sitting here waiting patiently not posting for a week now, but I can't take it anymore! I am officially frustrated! Plus I have to wait on the score to come in the mail (which has never been faster than 9 days after AICPA release). I am bummed! Just had to get that out.


    Sorry folks, its all my fault. I took REG and with my luck I'll always be the last release. This is beginning to drive me nuts as well. I was expecting the score on Friday last week or Monday this week. It is getting to the point it is distracting me from my final BEC studying for the test this Friday. Although, with my luck following form the REG will finally get released only to not have my score and be bumped to Wave 2 anyhow.


    I am worried about that too! But at this rate, Wave 2 will probably be close to being released by the time I get my score in the mail!

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