[REG] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 2

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    This is correct, I use Bisk, not Becker.


    To second MAC75's post, I was curious on how the questions will be structured for this window. Will the tax questions be primarily 2008 rules? Will there be any of the brand new 2009 stuff? I have the 2009 Yaeger HomeStudy and just want to make sure that year's info will be what I encounter (at least for the most part) on the exam on Jan. 18

    10/5/09 - BEC - 85
    1/11/10 - REG - 96


    I am wondering the same melloyello!



    From what I have gathered from a professor who has been teaching a long time in CPA review a score of 67 shows a good grasp of the knowledge but not of course enough to pass you just need to nail down the material more one more pass with it….good luck…….I bet you pass with many extra points next time…..75 is nirvana but in your case it is more likely that you will end up in the eighties……. I presume


    Wondering the same thing here too. 2008 or 2009 Tax numbers?


    I would know the 2008 and 2009 179 deduction and thresholds only.

    The other stuff…exemptions, deduction amounts etc. they don't test on because they would have to update the test bank every year. They would have to literally update thousands of questions based on new tax rules.


    Thanks for the input Jeff!


    Let round 2 of this journey begin today… Dec 14th. Exam day: Jan 13th. Approx. 1 month to re-prepare.

    I received a 74 the first time around. I'm hoping 1 more month of studying will get me that 1 point.

    Good luck everyone.

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    January 15th will come sooner than I think; time to really get serious for the next 3 weeks. I was so worried about getting a passing FAR score (75!!!!) that I put off seriously prepping for REG. Good luck to all! Happy Holidays!!!

    FAR - 75 (11/09) LOST credit
    REG - 79 (06/10) LOST credit
    BEC - 73 (05/03/10), 83 01/14/11 LOST credit
    AUD - 74 (02/28/11) 74!!! (05/30/11)

    BEC - 77 (02/18/14)
    AUD - April
    REG - May
    FAR - Later


    In need of advice…so I just failed REG and I have already gotten my NTS and have signed up to take it on January 2nd since it's so fresh in my mind…I am then taking the entire week off from work and taking FAR on the 8th. I have already taken FAR and failed. Do you think this is a smart move? Am I trying to cram too much or will I be ok since I have taken both sections before (getting 69s) and REG is so fresh and I will have an entire week for just FAR. Thoughts?

    AUD (76) FAR (69,68)
    REG (69,72)
    BEC 5/29/10


    I took my first CPA exam for all 4 sections this window. I passed all but Regulation.

    I didn't worry too much about Regulation and got shocked that I passed all but Reg.

    For business law, I studied it over the year but didn't spent enough time right before the exam. I can understand that I got ‘low' score on business law but I studied pretty hard for Ethics. I did all the questions from Bisk and I was well prepared for the ethics parts from Auditing as well. But I scored ‘low' on ethics, hmmmmm.

    So, how should I prepare for the Ethics? Am I not ethical enough?

    Another concern is simulations. Simulations questions this window were pretty new and very difficult. What is the best way to conquer new patterns of simulations?


    Songhee7, I have same questions that you do. I also scored low on ethics. But also tax procedures. Which were in my simulations and I got so confused – that stuff just wasn't in my book. I studied with Becker. I also have Wiley book… Don't know how to study now.

    On edit: just ordered Yeager HomeStudy for REG. Hope it will help…


    my best advice is to hit the multiple choice questions hard and be extremely familiar w the context and examples given in your study materials…i know this sounds quite obvious but i think a common theme with the ethics portion of REG is that it is the “blow-off section” when in all reality it may be one of the harder sections of the cpa exam bc of how vague the questions or (most likely) answers are given…know that material like the back of your hand so that you can see how they are tryng to trick you instead of second guessing yourself and youll have no problem with it… i made this mistake of over-looking this section the first time and it probably cost me a few weeks of my time….good luck 🙂

    BEC (75), FAR (75), AUD (88), REG (90)


    I am planning on trying to get REG and FAR done in the 1st testing window. My books just arrived and the volume is scary but here goes another 2 long months!

    praying for favor.............


    If I take REG on Feb 6th, will I be in the first scoring window?

    BEC – 80, FAR – 76, AUD – 81, REG – 2/6/10

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